Chapter 5

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The duels were a few days past, and Alara still felt a wave of pride when she thought about her victory with Blake. Despite the tensions between them, they had managed to work together and win. However, she hadn't had the opportunity to thank him. Since he had left the hall on the day of the fights, he had been absent. Even Zach was nowhere to be found.

Alara tried to talk to Carmy about it, hoping for some insight, but Carmy's answers were evasive. "I don't know anything about Blake's and Zach's absence," she said, but Alara was sure Carmy wasn't telling her everything she knew. There was a tension in Carmy's eyes that hinted at deeper concerns.

As the days passed, Alara noticed that the reaction of some students towards her had changed. A few, whom she had never spoken to before, came up to her and congratulated her on the impressive display of power during the duels. Their sudden interest felt strange, almost as if they wanted to befriend her now that she had proven herself.

Others were less friendly. The demon girl from the first night, along with some of her friends, took every opportunity to insult Alara as they passed by. "Look, it's Tinkerbell, the warrior fairy," the demon girl sneered one morning, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

Alara did her best to ignore them and focused on her studies and training. One afternoon, while she was sitting in the courtyard reading a book, Michael approached her. He looked hesitant, as if unsure how to start the conversation.

"Hey, Alara," he said, sitting down beside her. "I wanted to ask you something."

Alara looked up from her book with a smile. "Sure, Michael. What's up?"

Michael seemed to gather his courage before speaking. "What's your relationship with Blake?"

Alara blinked in surprise. "What do you mean? We were just partners for the duels."

Michael looked relieved but also a bit confused. "It's just... some people are saying you're with Blake... romantically."

Alara quickly shook her head. "No, that's not true. Blake and I are just... well, we're nothing. We barely tolerate each other."

Michael smiled, visibly relaxed. "That's good to hear. I was just curious because, you know how rumors are."

Alara nodded understandingly. "Yes, I do. But they're not true."

After a moment of silence, Michael's smile widened. "Actually, I was wondering if you'd like to come to the bonfire with me on Friday. It's a great way to relax after all the stress of the duels. I'd love to spend some time with you."

Alara felt a flutter of excitement. She liked Michael, and this seemed like a perfect opportunity to distract herself from everything else. "I'd love to," she said with a smile. "It sounds like fun."

As Friday approached, Alara felt a mix of anticipation and nervousness. She hadn't heard from Blake or Zach, and their absence weighed on her. Despite the anger and frustration she felt towards Blake, she couldn't help but worry about his sudden disappearance. She was determined to enjoy herself at the bonfire, to let go of her worries for at least one night.

On the evening of the bonfire, Alara chose a casual yet stylish outfit that reflected her unique sense of style – dark jeans, a fitted band T-shirt, and her favorite leather jacket. She felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness as she made her way to the bonfire, the flickering flames already visible in the distance.

The bonfire was held in a clearing surrounded by tall trees, their branches gently swaying in the evening breeze. The flames cast a warm glow over the gathered students, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and celebration. Alara saw Michael standing near the fire, chatting with a group of students. When he saw her, his face lit up with an inviting smile.

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