Eighteen: Han Taesan¹

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Three years ago.

Taesan was new in highschool, 7th grade. He sat on the dining table and looked at his father and grandmother with a smile.

"How's school, dear?" she asked and took a bite of her food. Taesan puts his water down. "My friends say I should run for class president for our section so that I can follow father's steps"

His father eats his food and gazed at Taesan. She smiled happily and pats Taesan's head. "I think that's a great idea, you can show anyone how good you are at lead-"

Taesan's father stopped her from talking and shook his head. "I don't think so. Teenagers these days should just have fun and come home with food." He says and took a bite of his food.

"If you're selected to that position, you'd have many papers and things to do" he added. Taesan shuts himself and looked down, continuing eating his food.

Why not..

"Hm? What do you mean..?" Taesan's grandmother raised a brow. He looked at her and shook his head. "I don't think he should go for the position, let anyone take it. Just eat, play, and relax. It suits him more"

Well that's cool, Taesan's father had no expectations coming right up at him. But really, Taesan have his own freedom to the world. He can do anything, he can fail a class and he wouldn't have his parent(father) yelling at him because he didn't meet the expected score.


Taesan passed some subjects after his midterm exam. He immediately ran home and showed it to his grandmother.

She smiled and hugged him. "Great job, next exam you'd be all A's for sure!" She adds. Taesan smiled widely and hugged her back. "I promise, I will!"

Taesan's father got back home and looked at Taesan. Taesan immediately stood up and fidgets his fingers.

Why was he so anxious Infront of his father?

He gazed at Taesan and the paper on the table that had the list of Taesan's grades per subject. He grabbed it and scans through it.

"You know, you shouldn't study too much. All I care is that you should not repeat any grades" He said and puts the paper down.

Taesan nods. He then grabbed his suit and was about to leave the house again. Taesan stopped him by calling out. "Father.."

He looked back and raised a brow at his son.
"Yes, Dongmin?" He asked. "Can I get a tutor?' Taesan asked quietly.

"Tutor?" He furrowed his eyebrows. "What will you get from that tutor?"

Better grades.

"You're grades are fine enough. D, B, C they're fine. You shouldn't get worked up too much. How many A did you get?" He raised a brow.


"Two.." Taesan muttered. "That's fine, you don't need a tutor. Just live your life like a normal teenager." he said and got to the door while wearing his suit.

"I don't get why teens these days want grades that much" He mumbled and left the house.

I don't get also why you can't just support me for what I do.

Taesan looked back at his grandmother and she opens her arms, offering a big hug. Taesan immediately hugged her tightly.

Two years ago.

8th grade. New classmates will be meet by Taesan. Taesan walked inside and sat next to someone. "Hello" He smiled.

The student next to him rolled their eyes abd.ignored Taesan.


Taesan shrugs it off and shifted to another side. He meets another student next to him. He then waved his hand.

This student was a bit nicer and waved, smiled back at Taesan but right after they ignored Taesan and talked to another one.

Why is nobody talking to me?

He shifted a bit uncomfortable when student doesn't talk to him.

I should just shut up..

The teacher came inside with a new student.
It was a girl, she's so pretty!

Wow.. so beautiful...!

Taesan might've fall in love with her already. "Hello, my name is Janhae. I hope we get together this school every well" she smiled and waved at everyone.

"Hello Janhae, you may sit next to Taesan"

She's sitting next to me for the whole year!!!

Taesan acted cool and smiled at Janhae when she walked up to him and sat next to him..
"Janhae, right?" Taesan corrects.

Janhae nods. "I'm Dongmin, just call me Taesan" she smiled. "What a cute nickname." She says and looked at Taesan.

Is this what they say love?

Taesan was definitely in love with her. But what's love if we don't add spice and drama in it?

For the rest of the months, Janhae and Taesan were the bestest of friends. They were the perfect duo anyone can ask for.

And what's bad is that, Taesan's afraid of confessing because if he did, something bad might happen to this perfect duo.

One day, Taesan and Janhae were at the cafeteria, eating their lunch and talking to eachother as usual.

Janhae opens her phone and frowned. She looked at Taesan at a disgusted look and rolled her eyes.

"You're so disgusting! Why would you like your own bff. We're not friends anymore"

She leaves in the most painful way ever. Taesan furrowed his eyebrows and looked at his lunch.

How did she know?

Who told her?


That doesn't matter much but what's happening now is that he doesn't have friends anymore.

It's just him again, all him.




I'd probably make flashbacks of each
Members/characters.. so i titled the chapter
Their name so y'all can know whose chapter is
It all about

~•s a m•~

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