Chapter 10: Kong's Rage

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Does any survivors around here?" He asked them.

Annie: "We found all bloodsheds everywhere and there was none other survivors here..." She said.

Mike: "They are dead and killed by something else is here." He said.

Charlie: "What kill them?" He asked them and they have no idea what they were been dealing with and until few moment later they heard a small footsteps coming here and (Y/N) turn his head to look over there with his revolver out and aim his weapon whatever it is here. Until the small figure who was arrive here by herself and it looks like she is 7 year old and she was Iwi member who survive back there.

 Until the small figure who was arrive here by herself and it looks like she is 7 year old and she was Iwi member who survive back there

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All: "A girl?" They said in surprise.

When they both didn't knew the girl was only one who survive from the massacre whatever it is here and something worst what happened here to those victims and then (Y/N) was saw her only one who stood right there. Then (Y/N) just didn't know how is a little girl alive and make him was put the revolver to gun holster and then (Y/N) walk toward to her and Mike with Charlie look at (Y/N).

Charlie: "Dude, what are you doing?!?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Calm down, she just a little girl...she needs help." He said to him and make him was heard this and he remain calm himself and then (Y/N) turn his head back to look at the little girl and then he walk toward to her.

(Y/N): "Hello?" He asked her and make her was stood right there and she felt fear with panic but he kneel down on the ground and make (Y/N) look at her and then she didn't said anything and (Y/N) ask her.

(Y/N): "Are you alright? Are you hurt?" He asked her and make her didn't said anything and she wasn't heard (Y/N) said and then (Y/N) figure out that she could be deaf...and yes...she could be deaf for what he figure it out.

(Y/N): "You can't talk?" He asked her and then she didn't said anything but (Y/N) just knew only one thing that he know about his own father who teaching him about the translate fingers with language that he can helping him about how to talk with deaf girl. Then (Y/N) use the hands with fingers to use the language and then she nod her head and make him was sigh out little bit and he going to do again.

(Y/N): "*Hello, are you alright? Is everything okay?*" He said to her.

???: "*I-I'm fine...b-but my home and town...was been destroyed and nobody else alive...*" She said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "*You are the only one person that was alive the whole time?*" He said to her and make her nod her head and then she said.

???: "*Yes, I am alone.*" She said.

(Y/N): "*Don't worry, everything is going to be alright...I'm not going to hurt you...we are stuck here in this island before and we are here to check out the village and we are friends. Let's get you of here from this horrible place, alright?*" He said to her and make her nod her head and she was asked him again.

???: "*My name is Jia...and you are?*" She said.

(Y/N): "*I'm (Y/N)...this is my friends...Annie, Mike, and Charlie...they are here with me.*" He said to her and then Jia was smile up little bit and the three of them were stood right there and they both are watching at (Y/N) talk with the deaf girl. Then Mike with Charlie were confuse about what (Y/N) is doing right now and (Y/N) stood right there by himself and make him keep talking with the little girl.

Annie: "What are they talking about?" She asked herself.

Mike: "I don't know...but I have no idea what is he up to." He said to her and then the three of them were stood right there and waiting for what happened is done...completely fast that (Y/N) bring Jia to the three of them that he said.

(Y/N): "We should bring her with us." He said to the three of them.

Mike: "Um? Why? I mean seriously we going to bring her with us?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "She is a survivor and she scared as, would you help me or not? The girl had a name is Jia..." He said to the three of them and they both were taken surprises from (Y/N) told the three of them.

Charlie: "W-Wait, how did you talk to her like you know what she tries to use her hands?" He asked (Y/N) and make him told the three of them that he use his language translate and he told them that she is deaf and then others as well. But (Y/N) want to tell them the truth the whole things about Iwi people are the only last stood right there and (Y/N) told them to get hurry right now before something else is here.

When (Y/N) with Annie, Mike, and Charlie are hop on the Doggon and Narco that they both were finally got on and make the two of them begin to moving out to somewhere else in this island  and they need to get away from the Iwi village. Then (Y/N) was going to keep Jia to get safety and he doesn't want her to get kill by whatever it is coming for them.

Time Skip Later.

Back to Kong.

When Kong was going out to hunt something else in the island and make Kong was just walking out like a man for what he really is and then Kong was land down on the ground where he was in the middle of the jungle. Then Kong turn his head to look over there and he notice there was something else came out of the ground and revealed out to be the two creepiest monsters for what Kong knew is...Skull Crawlers.

Yes...these Skull Crawlers are dangerous monsters.

Kong really hate them and he killing many of these monsters by himself in this Skull Island and he just bring them to the hell where they belong to.

When Kong was look at the two of them and make him was growling out little bit that he is going to fight these two monsters and he is gonna protect the Iwi away from dangerous of monsters.

After he was killing the two of them and make Kong who stood right there and look down at the two dead bodies of Skull Crawlers that he just kill...and yep...he kill the two of them like nothing but his rage and he want to take his revenge toward to the Skull Crawlers for what they did to his kind and parent and this time...he will not giving up until he kill the rest of them.

When Kong turn his head to look over there and he saw there was bunch of smokes comes from the village and make him went up there and finally got there and he notice all everything around to Iwi was burning and felt emotion of himself that he saw...all the Iwi people were been killed. Then Kong was knelt down on the ground and he felt sadness inside at him that he saw the Iwi people were been kill and let out a rage roar up to the sky.

To Be Continued.

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