Chapter Twenty-Five: -Consigned to Oblivion-

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After that day, Catherine and I stopped all communications with each other. I had finally deleted her number, and never heard anything else from her. I hardly saw her around campus, which made everything a little easier for me.

When I finally spoke to Madalyn about what happened at the party and with Catherine, she was there to comfort me. I cried on her shoulder one night as she held onto me. I wanted this pain to go away that I felt, but I feared nothing would work. I knew this was the end of us for good, and it hurt.

But I didn't let that stop me from getting up each day and living my life. I did something that I knew would hurt, but it had to be done. I cared for Catherine, and I came to terms with that a few days after I left her office, but I don't think it was something I wanted. At least that's what I try to convince myself anyways.

Over the course of the month that I've been at Harvard, I've noticed that my mind has been foggier, and my sleeps have been shorter. It had everything to do with Catherine, and that wasn't who I am. I couldn't focus on the fact that I was at my dream school because she was there to block the view.

When you work hard your whole life, and finally have the opportunity to achieve your dreams, you don't want anything or anyone to stand in your way. Especially when you've come so far in life. I couldn't throw that all away.

No matter how much it hurt, I had to think of myself. I had to push through the pain every day, because it did hurt, and I realized that it would affect me in some way. But I had to keep going.

"I wish I could join you." Madalyn spoke as we walked through the courtyard one evening. It was after classes, and we were on our way to grab some food. I noticed how the sky was already in the phase where it was starting to change colors, which made me look up and smile.

"Don't worry about it, Mads. I suppose you'll care about me one day." I spoke sadly, then giggled when she hit my shoulder. "Ouch." I touched the spot as I looked over at her.

"You're an ass." She smiled. "But in all seriousness, I will join you and Shawn one day. I promise. Hold me to it, Miss Pearson." She giggled.

As we were walking, I saw Hunter walking across the courtyard towards us. I saw Madalyn look at me before we all stopped in front of each other. I saw Hunter rub the back of his neck as he looked somewhere for a moment before looking at me.

"Hey, Oakley... um, I was coming to apologize for that night at the party."

"You should apologize." Madalyn spoke, but I quickly shushed her.

"All is forgiven, Hunter." I smiled. "We were both a little intoxicated."

"Yeah." Hunter laughed nervously. "Again, I should have been a little more discerning. But I see you're doing well."

"I am. Thanks." I spoke. Ever since that night at the party, I've been getting a little more hatred thrown my way, but it all started fading away in the span of a few days.

"Would you like to join us?" Madalyn asks Hunter.

"I would but I need to do some studying. I'll catch up with you later." He smiles at me before walking past me. I turn my attention to Madalyn afterward, then we both continue our way out of the courtyard.

When we walked across the street to our destination, Madalyn held the door open for me, which I smiled before walking inside. I smelled the aroma of food, and it made my stomach growl as I followed Madalyn to the counter to order.

Once we sat down and waited for our order, Madalyn was already starting her questions with me. I was hoping I could avoid any questions from her that I didn't want to answer, but of course that wasn't happening. I continued to look at her for a moment before averting my eyes away from her.

"So, how are you, Oakley?"

"I'm fine, Mads." I saw her nod.

"So... in like a mental state. How are you?"

"I think I'm doing well."

"Are you sure?"


"What about her?" She asks. I shrug in response before looking down at the table to avoid eye contact. "Have you spoken to her since?"

"No. I haven't seen her around campus."

"Do you think you did the right thing?" I sighed before glancing up to meet her eyes.

"There's no right thing to do in this situation. If I would have kept seeing her, then... my whole life would have been worse than before. Everyone already knew about us, and it was getting hard for me to be present at that school." I knew that part of me disagreed with what I did, and I'll live to always have that regret in the pit of my stomach.

When our food was ready, we ate together and talked about a few things. I tried avoiding the subject of her as much as possible because I felt a pain in my chest every time her name was mentioned. I didn't like the feeling I had, and I surely wish it would go away.

As we finished up our dinner, we walked back to campus. I heard Madalyn talking on the phone, then she looked over at me before giving me a silent apology. I furrowed my eyebrows as she hung up then she turns towards me as we were standing at the entrance.

"One of my friends needs something, and I need to run to their dorm. Are you ok with walking by yourself?"

"Yes." I giggled. "I'm a big girl."

"Alright." She smiled. "Don't let any vampires grab you from the trees." She looked around. "I heard they feast on the pretty ones at night." I shook my head when she left.

The walk through the courtyard was nice and quiet. It wasn't too dark outside, and the sun had just set. I sighed as I looked around and smile at the night sky. I noticed a few stars, which made me continue to smile as I kept walking.

As I was looking around, I bumped into someone and instantly stumbled back a little. "I am so sorry." I looked towards the person, and saw those brown eyes stare back into mine. Since we were right under the light pole, I saw her face clearly.

"It's alright. I wasn't watching where I was walking." She spoke. She bent down to grab the papers she dropped, and I leaned over with her to help her. "Thank you." She spoke as we stood back up. "Are you heading somewhere?"

"Yeah, back to my dorm. I just got back from dinner." I spoke, making her nod. "Are you going to your office?"

"Unfortunately, yes. I have a lot of paperwork to do. I'll be here for a while." She spoke. I nodded as I continued to look at her before looking away. "It was nice to see you, Oakley." She spoke.

"You too, Catherine." I saw her nod before walking past me. My eyes followed her, then I started walking the other way. I kept walking as I was approaching my dorm, then I stopped before turning my head back towards her.

That's when I noticed she was looking back as well, then we both disappeared into separate buildings.

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