Chapter 1: Running Late

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Brooklyn POV


I scrambled out of bed after realizing I was 20 minutes late for school. I ran to my closet to find something decent to wear, I ended up picking a sweatshirt, joggers, and black vans. I did my makeup really badly and threw my hair up into a messy bun. Raced downstairs to grab an apple and my keys. Hopped into my shiny, brand new blue BMW m5 that I got for my birthday. My mom is one of the best doctors in the country so we have a lot of money but I don't like to advertise it.

After 10 minutes of driving, I finally made it to school and parked in the nearest parking spot. 1st period I had free period and most the time I just read so luckily I didn't miss anything. I grabbed my bag and ran inside the school. All the sudden I was connected to a very muscular body, I looked up to see sweet, toffee brown eyes. Anyone could recognize those eyes, I had bumped into the schools most famous player, Zack Brody.

"Um I um I'm sorry" why was I so nervous? I only stutter when I'm nervous.

"It's fine. Just next time watch where you're going." With that he left, stranding me in the deserted hallway.

The bell rang so I headed for 2nd hour, math. On the way there I caught up with my best friend and only friend, Tess.

"B. Davis, where were you during free period" In 6th grade she called me B. Davis and that's what stuck.

"Hello to you too T, my alarm didn't go off so I woke up a little late. You'll never guess what happen when I first got to school."

"Well tell me" Tess always got straight to the point, never guessed.

"I ran into Zack"

"Zack as in Zack Brody, the schools biggest player" she said extremely shocked.

"Yeah him"

"What did he say? Did he try to hook up with you?" That's my best friend, overprotective.

"No, he just told me to watch where I was going then he left"

"Good. Stay the fuck away from him."

"Ok? Why?"

Tess opened her mouth but the bell rang to start math so I didn't get answer. Oh well, I'll ask her at lunch. The teacher was talking about a whole bunch of stuff I don't care about, when Zack decided to stroll into class, tardy as always.

"Mr. Brody, nice of you to finally join us" the teacher said, the few people that were actually paying attention chuckled. Zack looked at the teacher then continued to walk to his desk which unfortunately was right behind mine. Normally he would leave me alone and pretend I didn't exist like the rest of the school did, but today he kept playing with the strands popping out of my bun.

After a while I got annoyed and turned around "Can I help you with something?"

"Actually yes. There's a party Friday night, do you want to do with me?"

Weird, the player is asking me to a party, that's bad news. "Sorry no I don't do parties." With that I turned around. He was about to say something when the bell rang. Saved by the bell!

"B. Davis! There's a party Friday. We're going."

"What no. T, you know I hate parties."

"I don't care, we're going, bye!" and now I was stuck going to that party. Hopefully Zack doesn't see me.

School was finally over and I could leave this hell hole. I ran to my car and threw my bag on the passenger seat. I was peacefully driving when I felt a bump. I looked behind me to find a Porsche Boxster way closer than it was supposed to be. I pulled over and got out of my car. I looked at my poor baby and saw a huge dent.

"What the fuck is wrong with you! You just dented my car" I screamed.

"Sorry?" Zack questioned me.

"Are you kidding me? You dented my car and don't even care" I yelled some more

"Look I'm sorry, I'll pay for the dent to be pulled out."

"Thanks. Wait, how am I supposed to get to school?"

"I'll drive you" he volunteered

"Hell no. I would rather kill myself"

"Who else is going to drive you to school?"

"Ok fine but don't you dare even try talking to me." I didn't give him any time to respond, I just walked to his car, got in, and slammed the door. All he did was give me a dirty look but kept quiet. After a few minutes he dropped me off at my house.

"How do you know where I live?" I asked. No one knew where I lived except for Tess.

"We're neighbors" he said in a duh voice.

"Ugh" With that I got out of his car and went straight to my room to do my homework.

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