Chapter 11: Telling Them

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Brooklyn POV

I've somehow managed to dodge Zack and Tess all week, I really don't want to talk to either of them. With Tess, I have no idea how to tell her about Zack's confession. I desperately want to ask her what to do, but I know how much she despises Zack. I need someone to steer me in the right direction, tell me what to do about this pregnancy and my relationships with the people around me. With Zack, I can't give him an answer, I know he wants us to be a "family" but he's a player and we're both just in high school, and yeah we're almost done however that doesn't change how young we are. I try to believe that he loves me and hopes to expand our "family" in the future but it feels like just words with no real meaning even though there's emotion behind his words.

No matter what's going on, Tess always tells me to use my heart not my head to access situations but my head always takes over. She thinks the heart knows what it wants, while the brain only uses facts and logic. I think Zack is an amazing person. I love his smile, his hair, his voice, his laugh, his beautiful eyes, his aggravating personality, but most of all, I'm deeply and madly in love with him. I shouldn't but I do because he's a player and I don't want either my baby or myself to get hurt, but the heart wants what it wants.


Today is the day. Today I'm going to get my feelings out in the open, but first I have to talk to Tess to make sure she's ok with my decision.

I grab my phone from the nightstand and text her. T, can you come over?

My phone dings, Sure B. Davis, is everything ok? It's kinda late, can't you tell me over the phone?

Everything's ok, don't worry. I need to tell you something and it's too important to do over the phone.

On my way.

A few minutes later, I hear the door close and thuds coming up the stairs.

"I knew you would be up here. What's up B. Davis?" she asked while sitting next to me on my bed.

"There's something I need to tell you. Promise not to say anything till I finish."

"Alright. Spill."

"Zack talked to me last week. He wants us to be a family, together. A whole fantasy about us, our future kids, basically he just spelled out a fantasy of the rest of our lives together. He also told me he's in love with me, but that's not important right now. The important part is I think he meant everything he said, he said it with so much feeling and emotion, I don't know how to describe it but I have a hunch that he's not lying and means every word he said. I know what happens with you and him, on the other hand, he's changed so much since them. You always tell me to listen to my heart, not my head and I listened to my heart this time and I'm in love with him. I don't know why, I don't know anything but I know I'm so in love with him. I have this feeling when I'm with him, I don't know what it is, but it's amazing." The look on her face says she has a lot and I mean a lot to say. "Please say something."

"Go. Go to him. Tell him you love him. Be a family." She gave me the supportive smile she always gives me when she knows I need one last push. She really means it.

I dash out of my room as fast as I can since my back is now starting to hurt and my feet were starting to swell up a little bit so they would start to hurt even more if I walked to his house even though he was my next door neighbor, leaving Tess alone on my bed. I'm on the last step when I realize what I'm about to do. What if Zack changed his mind or what if none of the stuff he said was true, just big lies for my head and heart? No stop. I can't think like this, he meant every word he said and he wants to hear the answer I'm about to give him. I turned on the radio, Nicki Minaj's, The Night is Still Young was playing.

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