Chapter 6: Morning Sickness

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Brooklyn POV

I groan as I clutch my stomach. I flip over to get more comfortable, but fail. I've been up since 4 in the morning with these horrible stomach pains. A wave of nausea hits me, I run to the bathroom and puke my guts out. I walk out, thinking I'm done, it hits me again, and I run back into the bathroom then vomit again. I rise my mouth and walk back to bed. With about two hours to sleep, left I try to fall back asleep.


After my exciting morning, I spent my day trying to avoid Zack, even though he's across the room from me, and now I'm sitting in boring math working on a worksheet with Tess since we were allowed to work with a partner. My stomach starts to churn again but I decide to ignore it thinking it's nothing.

"B. Davis? You ok over there? You look a little pale." Tess asked, concerned.

"Don't worry about it T, just a stomach bug." Just then my stomach began to stir.

I get up and walk up to the teacher's desk. "May I please go to the bathroom?" He nods while handing me a pass. I rush to the bathroom and like this morning, I puke my guts out. Why am I throwing up so much, I'm not sick or pregnant?

I walk back to class with 'pregnant' being burned into my brain. The test was negative, you're not pregnant. I kept trying to convince myself of that but throwing up constantly was invading more space in my thoughts. I walk past the trash bin next to the teacher's desk, quickly tossing the pass in the garbage and walking back to my seat.

"B. Davis, do you feel better?" Tess asked, my best friend always looking out for me.

"No, I threw up three times today, so far, and now I have a huge headache."

"Why? The test said negative, why are you so miserable?" she paused, "I think you should go to the doctor"

"I don't know, I'll figure something out." Before she could respond, the bell rang. I ran out of class, saving myself from another lecture. I know she means well but I hate the doctors and despise going there. I don't have classes with Tess till later in the day so I'm good for now.

Almost in my next class, when someone grabs my arm, covers my mouth, and pulls me into a janitor's closet.

"If I let go will you scream?" The mystery person asks. I shake my head no. The person turns on the light and let's go of my mouth.

"ZACK! Are you fucking trying to get on my last nerve? I have class I have to be in right now and I told you I never want to talk to you again!" I whisper shouted.

"I know. I just wanted to make sure you're ok. I know you went to throw up in math and I heard you throwing up this morning" I opened my mouth but got interrupted, and got my question answered "You had your window open so I could hear everything. No I wasn't doing anything weird, you knocked something over on the way to the bathroom that woke me up"

"Oh" really oh? That's all you can think of? "Yeah, I'm fine, it's just a bug. Since when do you care?"

"I've always cared. I think you're friend Tess is right, I think the test was wrong. You might actually be pregnant." Eavesdropping much?

"First, don't listen to my private conversation and second, whether I'm pregnant or not is none of your concern" I had a feeling he had a response to that so I opened the door to the closet and left.

"Senorita Davis y senor Brody, lovely of you to come to class. Please sit wherever you find an open spot" I looked and there were only two spots available, one right behind the other. Great, I was stuck with Zack for the rest of the block. I sat down in the first seat which was a really stupid idea, hence Zack would be behind me and could see everything I was going. The teacher was just talking about some kind of trip we were having in a few months so I zoned out, thinking about what Tess and Zack said. What if they're actually right? Maybe I should double check just in case, the test can't be wrong, but what if it is? I quietly snaked my hand to my pocket and took my phone, I made an online appointment at the doctors before I changed my mind. A few minutes later the bell rang.

"Brooklyn! I saw you make an appointment, I'm going with you." Zack announced. Not even going to bother asking? What have I gotten myself into?

"Fine, I'm really not in the mood right now. Its tomorrow after school. I'm not waiting for you so you better be on time. After we go to this appointment and they tell me I'm not pregnant, you better leave me alone." When I finished, I just walked away, leaving Zack, alone, in the middle of the hallway. I really didn't care, everyone was annoying me.

I passed Tess in the hallway for some weird reason. She doesn't go down this hallway till later. "T, I'm ditching the rest of the day. Everyone has gotten on my last nerve"

"Ok B. Davis. Feel better. Text me if you need anything, I'm here for you"

"Yeah. Bye" kind of rude, I know, but I'm so tired and cranky right now.

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