Chapter 9: Relationships and Shopping

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Brooklyn POV

"Thanks T, I'll meet you at Starbucks in the mall in about 15 minutes." I end the call with Tess. Today is Saturday so we are going shopping for clothes that I need and it's a great opportunity to talk to her about what happen yesterday at my house. To be totally honest, I'm really nervous to tell her, she really hates him and I want to know why.

I get in my car and drive to the mall. I made a list of everything I need so I won't be subjected to more torture than I already have to suffer through. I need shorts since its hot outside, casual dresses since it doesn't require me to find anything for it to match with, lots and lots of short sleeve shirts, few pairs of jeans since it's not cold but it's nice to have them just in case, capris just in case, tank tops, and bras since my boobs have already grown a lot and they're probably going to grow some more. I park in the closest spot to the mall doors, I have a feeling I'm going to be doing a lot of walking and my feet hurt sometimes.

Tess is already waiting for me drinking a mocha frappuccino to kill time.

"Alright B. Davis, the best day of your life awaits. What do you need?" It's scary how she's always more excited that I am. I share my list with her.

"First stop: Victoria's Secret." I knew I should've done that on my own time. Who knows what she's going to make me buy.

The first place she walks happens to be the lingerie section. Great. She starts browsing and the look in her eyes shows she found something I wasn't going to like at all. She shows me a pink, lacey, extremely see through slip.

"Tess Young! There is no way in hell I'm going to wear that!" I shouted kind of loud. A few people near us glanced in our direction.

"Ok ok. No need to yell. I'll put it back" She puts it back.

I look at the bras and find pretty decent ones without any help of Tess. I go up to pay and in the middle of checking out, I realize I need to use the bathroom really bad. Stupid baby is making me pee all the time. I heard people say you need to use the bathroom a lot but I thought they were kidding, guess not.

"Hey T, I need to use the bathroom really bad. Can you hold my stuff?"

"Sure go ahead. Meet me at Nordstrom, I heard they are having a really good sale on maternity." I gave her my stuff and ran to the bathroom. This baby is having a lot of fun squeezing my bladder.

When I get to Nordstrom, I notice Tess with a lot of clothes in her hands. Oh joy. She gives me my bag back and it feels a little bit heavier. I'm probably just tired, it can't be any different from when I left it. I look at some of the stuff Tess got and it's actually not too bad. With some of the shirts, you couldn't tell I was pregnant but with others you could. The dresses were really cute and simple, just how I like it. Majority of the denim was dark wash, my favorite while the test was either light wash or white. Tess did a really good job on clothes, not that I'm surprised. I bought all the stuff and we walked to the nearest Panera Bread. Neither of us had lunch so we were hungry. I got a simple Caesar salad and a sandwich, Tess just got a small bowl of French onion soup. Pregnant girls eat a lot.

Should I tell her about last night? It isn't that important, or is it? Did Zack mean everything he said last night? Why did Zack kiss me? Would Tess get mad if I told her? Why did...?

"B. Davis? What's going inside that head of yours?"

"There's something I need to tell you." I said nervously.

"What's up? Is everything ok with the baby?"

"No baby's fine. It's about Zack." As soon as I said his name, she had a hurt look in her eyes, but then it went away. Weird.

"What about him." She questioned bitterly.

"Ok don't say anything till I'm done. So yesterday he came up to me in math and asked how the baby was and all that. Something came up about him being in the baby's life and I said I had 7 months to figure out if I wanted him there or not, he got really pissed and wanted to talk then but I said I'm not going to deal with the baby or pregnancy at school and if he wanted to talk then he would have to come talk to be privately, far away from school. He came over practically begged to be in the baby's life. I said something about him leaving me and the baby then he walked to where I was and kissed me. We would've had sex if I hadn't stopped it. Then he said he wanted us to be together, as more than friends. Should I let him be in the baby's life? And should we be together? I mean it would be good for the baby if his/her parents were together." I felt bad for Tess that she had to listen to my rant but hopefully she could push me in one direction or another.

"I know what he said but let me something about Zack Brody, he will tell you everything you want to hear, play with every feeling and emotion he can get to, then go against everything he said and leave you like yesterday's news. I'm going to tell you something but I will never ever repeat it," oh no, this is going to be extremely big and bad. "We were friends for a few months and there was always this heat but we never wanted to be in a relationship so we decided to do a friends with benefits type thing. We did that for about a month and had a lot of fun. Then one night he told me he loved me, I didn't believe him because he was a player but he made a long speech about it so I had to believe it. A few weeks later, I started eating like a pig, pickles and peanut butter and other pregnancy grossness, anyways he commented and asked jokingly what are you, pregnant. I took a test the day before so I had to be honest and say yes. He started yelling at me that I was so irresponsible and there's no way in hell he was going to be a father at 15. I decided to get an abortion because I didn't want my baby to grow up without a father. When I saw the way you were looking at each other, I remembered that's how we were and I didn't want you to fall in the same trap I did so I wanted you to stay the hell way from him."

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry T. Why didn't you tell me? When did this happen?"

"It's fine. I don't think about it. I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to think so lowly of me. Around the very beginning of sophomore year"

"I would never think lowly of you."

"Thanks B. Davis. Ok let's do this next weekend, prom is coming up and I'm guessing you're extremely tired from shopping."


I got home and thought about what Tess said. I had to call Zack and give him my answers, I had made up my mind.


"Zack, it's me. I have your answer."

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