chapter 11

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Natalia Bridgers (POV):
I'm ashamed at how I nearly attacked Max with a hug last night, especially when he flinched away from me. I felt shitty about it, but I was also very worried. More than I should.

After restless sleep, I went downstairs, planning on lounging on the couch. Maybe watch a few movies?

I draped a blanket on me and then clicked on a random movie that sounded interesting. I suddenly heard a ring coming from my phone, and I checked it.

My dad.

Oh god. I swallowed whatever pride I had left and answered. "Hi dad," I greeted, my tone embarrassingly higher.

"Hello, Nat." I heard a few noises in the background, but then they disappeared. "Just calling to check in on you. How are you?"

I cringed, unsure of what to answer. "I'm good. How are you?"

"How's things with Max?" He definitely cuts right to the chase, ignoring my question without an afterthought. "Do you need more money?"

My stomach twisted. "Uh, things are good, yeah. We're really getting to know each other." Just like he ignored me, I ignored him.

"You know, you guys don't really seem like a couple," he says, his voice full of suspicion and disappointment. I longed for his validation more than anything, and I hated how terrible and guilty I felt.

"We should post more," I say, more as a statement than as a suggestion. "And get closer. Don't you think?"

"Yeah, yeah," he dismisses distractedly. I hold back my sigh, hearing other muffled voices talking to my dad. "Listen, I have to go. You better make the money I pay you worth it, because I still hear about some. . . rumors."

The disgust in that single word was enough to make me shiver. "I will-" I started, but then he hung up.

My phone slipped from my grip, and I slid further into the couch. Just then, I got a notification from my bank account. More money deposited. Fuck. My heart can't take much more of this.

As if a miracle from the heavens, Max crossed the living room.

"Max!" I nearly shouted.

He turned to me in confusion, his eyes slightly puffed and red. "Yeah?"

My heart practically broke, but I forced myself to continue. "Um, Kira's been on my ass about posting more. Preferably posts, not stories. Do you want to do anything in particular?"

Confusion ripples across his face, and then defeat. "Um, is it possible if we can say in?" he asks softly, looking down.

"Yeah, of course. We could watch a movie. Wait, don't you play video games?"

Max's face lights up, surprising me. "I do, yeah. We could play? Or, pretend to, at least."

I nod. "Let's do that!"

The couch is L-shaped, so Max lays there, stretching his legs out. Max patted the space between his legs. "Get over here," he says.

A quiet laugh passes through my lips as I sit there, draping the blanket over both of us. Max hands me a controller, while I grab my phone. He quickly starts playing, already immersed in everything. He's quick, and he's obviously played for a while. I'm struggling to keep up, but I somehow manage.

We're laughing the entire time, and I only take a few pictures. Max's sad eyes give way to peace, and maybe some happiness? I catch myself looking up at him a lot. His blue eyes are really beautiful.

No! Don't think that.


I'm distracted by him. All of him. Even his hands as he plays his games. I'm sitting there in front of him, feeling comfort with another person. After the shit show of my dad's phone call, I really needed this.

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