Chapter: 1

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Ok... So, um my name is Percy Jackson and this is my crappy life. Well I wouldn't say crappy, it's actually really great! Only in some ways is my life well... Crappy.

My school is great, it's one of the newer ones, Olympus High school. It was a merge of two older rival schools. So there is still a little rivalry between students. But other than that everyone's nice! It's one of the only schools that DIDNT kick me out. Well I guess there is one tiny problem... Every one in school is MAJORLY homophobic... Like that's ok with me cause *caugh* I'm not gay... Ugh who am I kidding?! I'm as straight as a rainbow! But I got a good thing going here and I'm not gonna mess that up. I'm one of the most popular kids at school, and I'm dating Annebeth Chase student body president! I'm well liked, the teachers are nice to me, and I'm actually doing well in school for once. I'm not going to mess that up over something as stupid as sexuality.

But then there's the crappy aspect of my home situation... My step- father Gabe is a complete jerk. My real father died a long time ago in a boating accident. My mother works long hours to support Gabes gambling and drinking habits. She has no idea that Gabe is as abusive as he is. He beats me constantly. I have to do everything for him. I have to clean his filthy mess, cook his stupid food, and keep him supplied with alcohol. But it's worth it, the better I do in school, the further I can move away and go to college and get away from this (semi) crap life. I also have my brother to worry about. My little brother Tyson. He's 9 years old and as long as I take the punches, he doesn't have to.

Although, hiding my bruises is hard especially when it comes to swim practice. (Another good part in my life) Considering I'm only wearing a speedo. I usually just make up and excuse like "Awe naw dude I totally wiped out on my skate board!" No one really suspects a thing.

Any way lets get back to the good part of my life! School! (Never thought you'd hear that one huh?) There is a Social order at my school. On top you have the football stars, student council, swim team, the cheerleaders and pretty much anyone who plays major sports. That's where my friends Jason, Piper, Frank, Annebeth, Reyna, Luke, Drew, and Octavian are at. Leo hangs out with us too(he's in robotics club) Then we have just your normal preps which include pretty much every other person. But then there's the... Rejects. They are mostly comprised of openly gays and just all round un-preppy people. This includes the stunningly gorgeous Nico di Angelo and his friends Ethan nakamora, the Stolls, and well there's some exceptions here. Well you see there are two exceptions to this social pyramid, this includes Hazel Levesque and Leo Valdez. As I said before I'm friends with Leo he sits at our table and talks to us "popular" people. But every once in a while he sits with Nico and the other rejects. Same goes for Hazel, she's on our schools dance and cheerleading team, yet some days she will sit with Nico di Angelo. We thought they were weird for doing so, considering they have it good with us, why would they go talk to them you know? But it wasn't until Hazel told us she was siblings with Nico that we understood... Kinda. I mean it makes sense you would want to spend time with your sibling and I'm pretty sure any one would want to talk to Nico of all the rejects, butlet s be honest they don't really  look that alike and they don't have the same surname. We just decided not to ask. But it kinda makes sense now that I think of it Hazel is pretty protective of Nico (not that he need much protecting, I mean I saw him punch a guy in the face for just THINKING of touching his bike) but like if any one makes a rude comment about him or look at him the wrong way, by the end of the day they either "accidentally" trip over SOMEONES horse saddle or takes SOMEONES golden dance shoes to the stomach/face/groin during dance rehearsal. And Leo? Well, leo is Leo. He doesn't have an excuse that we've asked for really. But Nico. Oh Nico. He's is how you say FREAKING GORGEOUS. He's well built and has an Italian accent and dresses like a total bad boy! *squeee* yes. I squeed. Get over it. Every guy, girl, lesbo, closet gay, and Percy has at least thought of hitting that at one point or another. He would actually be at the top of the pyramid with me if it wasn't for Ethan. This happened before I transferred here but apparently Ethan and Nico use to be really popular. They were both on the football team actually, And EVERYONE was all over 'new bad boy Nico di Angelo'. But when everyone found out Ethan was gay... Things got bad... Some guys on the football team pulled a prank. It was meant to be harmless... But it's the end... Ethan lost and eye... I'm not entirely sure how. Everyone won't talk about it and just chooses to act like it never happened and look at the good side of things of how 'amazing' our football team is or some shit... But Nico. Nico wasn't like that. That's one of the things I love about him. He stood up in front of the school and told them how disgusting and horrible people they were for just acting like it never happened he lost and EYE for gods sakes! So he quit the team and willingly became a reject with Ethan. Of course that doesn't stop people from swooning over him and and throwing themselves at him. But it also implies the occasional stink eye of some people, cause even being friends with a gay persons is apparently still a sin. Although ever since then the 'rejects' don't get as much bullying cause with Nico came his snarky comebacks and Hazel to deal with.
"Hmm? Oh ya! Totally Mrs. Dodds! The answer is 47... Right?" I stammered. There I go day dreaming about Nico again. Every one laughed. Mrs. Dodds facepalmed.
"Percy, *sigh* this is social studies..."
"Class dismissed! Excepy for you!" Mrs. dodds pointed at me.
I sighed and stayed seated. Out of the corner of my eye I saw nico on his way out laughing at something Ethan said. Oh how I wish he was laughing with me... But I can't lose all this over being gay... For I guy I don't even know likes me or not! I sound like a girl...



"Um yes Mrs. Dodds?"

"You seem out of it today yo have an excuse?"

"Ummm... No."

"Good then I will assign you a tutor" she said turning her attention to some paper on her desk .
"Say what now?" I asked dumbfounded.
"If you would have been listening Percy," she scolded,"you would have heard me when I said: I assigned you a tutor for my class. Your grades have been dropping and I can't have Olympus's star swimmer out due to some low grades."
Her face softened (quite unusual for Mrs. Dodds) and continued.
"You are a good student and I see potential in you.. So starting this Friday you will be meeting with Mr. di Angelo after school to help you."
I instantly straightened up at the mention of Nico.
"Di Angelo? As in Nico di Angelo?! HIM?! Why him?! I'm sorry Mrs. Dodds but Nico barley does any work an your class! How do you possably think he can help me?!" I practically yelled. Don't get me wrong I love Nico and the thought of spending time with him sends shivers up I'm spine but. Have you seen him?! He sits at the back of the class every day, listens to music, and not giving a dam(lol see what i did there) how could he possibly have high enough grades to be a tutor?! Lets also not forget this PERCY JACKSON we're talking about , you know that guy who has a MASSIVE crush on this said Nico di Angelo I mean I have to stop my self from drooling over him at least 10 times on a daily bases. Actually having to talk to him? Ya no.
"Percy Jackson! Do not raise your voice at me! You are to meet with Nico di Angelo on Fridays and that is final!
"But... Can't I have someone else? I mean have you seen Nico? He doesnt even pay attention in class, he doesn't care about school if any thing he'll make me worse pleaseeee can I have some one else?"
She looked at me and scoffed,"Don't be so quick to judge people on appearance Perseus. I'll have you know Nico has a perfect GPA, what with not having sports to worry about. What I say is final. Now, if you would be so kind as to get out of my classroom. " She said and went back to work as if she had not just broken like a hundred stereo types of Nico with one breath. I turned and walked out stunned. Not only did Nico actually care about school he did well in it too, like Annebeth well. Which is nice. But it also means I'll have to study with him TOMORROW dammit! Oh well. Make the best of it I guess... Whelp! Time to go pick up Tyson and go home to an abusive father! Whooo!
Well this is my first chapter! Like and comment please! :) should I continue this? Or naw? Idk as long as you guys like it I'll continue it! :) bye
~ gotta go ona readinghigh!😁

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