Chapter 3

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"HEY! FAGGOT WHERES MY FOODS?!" Gabe slurred as I walk through the door.
I turned around and went straight to the kitchen. My mom was out for work so it was me to make dinner.
"Brother! Brother! Brother! You're home!" Tyson laughed as he leaped into my arms.

"Hey buddy! How ya been? Did you have fun at school?" I said.

"Ya I talked to that pretty girl who sits next to me today!"

"Oh ya? Was she nice?"

"Ya she gave me an Oreo!"
"HEY YOU! WHERE THE HELL IS MY FOOD?!" Gabe yelled from the door way. I pulled Tyson behind me,"Um Tyson, why don't you go to your room..." I said in a warning tone. Tyson instantly ran to his room. Tyson can be naive at times but he's smart enough to read the situation."YOU KEEP THIS SHIT UP AND YOU WONT BE THE ONLY ONE WITH BRUISES!"

"Chill no one else needs to get hurt. Look I'm cooking your food right now." I said, as I took out a box of macaroni. He grunted, chugged some more whiskey and left the room. I sighed a breath of relief, I thought he might actually try something on Tyson. I was about to flip. I mean Tyson's really all I got other than my mom. I found him while walking home from school last year living in a box. And my mother with her big heart adopted him. He's the brother I never had and I hate the idea of him being any where near Gabe! But... If something where to happen and we were put in a foster home, I know for a fact they wouldn't keep us together. We're not blood related, and if that were to happen it would tear him apart. I'm the first stable thing to come into his life. I know that doesn't mean much considering well, it's me, but it's something, and I'm not one to give up. So I'll work as hard as I can to keep up what little structure I can and-oops! I just burnt my hand dammit! What a cruel world...
Oh well I put some macaroni in a bowl and served it to Gabe,"You might want to blow on it-"

"GAAH! DAMMIT BOY! WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME IT WAS HOT!" Gabe scolded as he wiped off the steaming hot pasta that fell out of his mouth onto his ratty shirt. Maybe if you weren't such a pig and waited, this wouldn't have happened. I thought to my self stifling a laugh when I heard Gabe grunt,"What the fuck did you just say?!"

Shit shit shit shit ! I just said that aloud,"YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY BOY?!"
"Wha- I didn't say-" I stammered all signs of laughter gone from my voice.
"DONT LIE TO ME!" He bellowed. SMACK!
I held my cheek feeling it sting. Just then he punched me square in the gut. I doubled over in pain, he kicked my face sending me to the ground.
"Please," I wheezed,"Stop *wheeze* please, just-"
Just then he started to kick me in the stomach over, and over and over again.
"What? *KICK* what?! *KICK* I cant hear you!! *KICK* speak up boy!" He grabbed my hair raising my face to eye level, and in a moment of sheer stupidity, I opened my big mouth,"I said maybe if you weren't such a pig and waited, YOU WOULDNT HAVE BURNT YOUR FATASS!" Whelp. See you all in hell! He punched me... And I blacked out... Yay.

Hey you guys I'm back! I've been thinking of adding some Leo x Hazel x frank just as a background ship I think it will add to the plot of the story. But if you guys don't like it I can try to find something else. But if you do I can maybe make a chapter about them later into the story! I'll be updating more so ya tell me what you guys think! 😁

~ onareadinghigh:)

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