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Jeremy's POV

I was rudely awakened by Elena pushing and pulling me until I almost fell off the bed. Groaning, I squinted my eyes at her, trying to focus. She rolled her eyes in exasperation.

"Get up, Jeremy," she snapped, her tone leaving no room for argument.

I muttered something unintelligible, feeling the weight of exhaustion still heavy on me. Begrudgingly, I swung my legs over the side of the bed, already dreading whatever lecture or demand she had for me today.

I walked into the joint bathroom, dragging my feet. My body felt heavy with sleep, and I could barely muster the energy to keep moving. I glanced into the mirror and scrunched up my face at my disheveled reflection.

With a sigh, I undressed and stepped into the bath, letting the warm water wash away the remnants of sleep. The heat eased my tense muscles, and for a moment, I allowed myself to relax, hoping the day would improve from here.

Getting out of the bath, I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around myself before walking back towards the sink, brushing my teeth.

Walking back into my bedroom, I headed straight for the wardrobe. I pulled out a plain black fitted shirt and then moved to the chest of drawers. I grabbed a pair of boxers and long black pants, laying them out on the bed. From my jewelry box, I carefully took out three silver rings and set them aside to put on later.

After getting dressed, I put on my rings and walked downstairs to find Jenna and Elena talking about coffee. I approached Elena taking her cup from her without a word. I sniffed it and immediately scrunched up my nose at the smell, placing the cup right back in her hands.

"How can you drink this stuff?" I muttered, shaking my head as I moved toward the kitchen, hoping to find something more my taste to start my day.

Finding nothing appealing in the kitchen, I groaned in frustration. "Guess I'll have to pick up something from the Grill on the way to school," I muttered to myself.

I grabbed my bag and headed towards the door, hoping a quick stop at the Grill would salvage my morning.

As I walked down the road, I heard the familiar purr of an engine approaching. Curious, I glanced behind me and saw Adelaide's car slowing down. A smile spread across my face as she pulled up beside me, her window rolled down. She had a bright smile on her face that was impossible to ignore.

"Need a ride?" she asked cheerfully, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Absolutely," I replied, grateful for the unexpected but welcome lift.

Adelaide looked at me and asked if I minded a pit stop. I shook my head, letting her know she could make as many stops as she wanted.

Soon, Adelaide pulled up to the Grill. I glanced over at her with side eyes and grinned. "I love you," I said, jumping out of the car and rushing towards the doors of the Grill.

Adelaide got out behind me, laughing. Her laugh sounded so angelic. It made me smile even wider. The morning was definitely looking up.

Adelaide's POV

I watched as Jeremy excitedly placed his order, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. He told the waitress what he wanted with a grin that was contagious.

When it was my turn, I ordered a Kentucky Bourbon coffee and a slice of chocolate and red velvet cake. Remembering Jeremy's small order of just a banana shake, I added two cupcakes for him, knowing he'd appreciate the extra treat.

As we waited for our order, I couldn't help but feel a warm sense of contentment, enjoying the simple pleasure of sharing this moment with Jeremy.

Jeremy turned to me and asked why I was driving through that part of town if I was heading to the Grill. I looked at him with a small smile.

"Oh, I was actually looking for you," I admitted. "When I got to your place, Jenna was leaving she said you had already left and were walking. I couldn't stand the thought of you walking alone, so I drove around looking for you."

Jeremy looked at me with a mix of surprise and gratitude. "You drove around looking for me?" His voice cracked a little with emotion.

"Yeah," I replied softly. " I dont want you to walk anymore so, Consider me your personal chauffeur."

Moved by the gesture, Jeremy got up out of his chair and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back, feeling a sense of closeness and warmth between us. We pulled apart when we heard footsteps approaching, and we turned to see our orders arriving. I quickly paid the waitress, despite Jeremy's protests, that he wanted to pay for himself.

As we arrived at school, I spotted Elena standing with two very beautiful dark-skinned girls. Seeing Elena brought back all the emotions I felt last night, especially when I noticed how much she looked like a clone of Katherine.

"Could she be a doppelganger or something?" I mumbled to myself.

Jeremy, standing beside me, suddenly winced and rubbed his eyes. "My eyes are burning," he said, his discomfort evident.

I quickly unzipped my bag and pulled out some eye drops from a small compartment, handing them to Jeremy. He thanked me and rushed towards the entrance of the school, eager to relieve his irritation. I watched him go, my mind still preoccupied with thoughts of Elena and the uncanny resemblance she bore to Katherine.

"Could Elena be the reason Damon wanted me in Mystic Falls?" I wondered as I walked to the office to get my schedule. The thought lingered in my mind, making me uneasy.

The resemblance to Katherine was too strong to ignore, and knowing Damon, there had to be more to it. I pushed the door to the office open, determined to get through the day and find some answers.
She's onto something .
How would stefan react to his sister turning up.
Probably spelling mistakes

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