4.|The Meetup

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As time passed it was already 1:13 pm.
Oh well..for that time I was able to go home, listen to my vinyls there, eat something, go to the vinyl store, go home again and blah blah blah. .
..so I decided to go to the park earlier, and it was quite sunny, so why not.
I was excited to meet Thom, he seems like a nice guy..well okay, he's a bit weird too..but who isn't?

I went to Longbridges Park, it was a bit far away so I took the bus. After a while I got to the park, I walked around a bit and saw a bench by the river, so I sat there. It was such a beautiful place actually.

I didn't knew what exactly I would do while waiting for Thom..I should have asked for his number atleast? Anyway now I just need to wait.. almost 3 hours..ugh. I had a cd player with me and two cds too(The Beatles white album cd and Leisure by Blur), well atleast i got music.


After some time it was 2 pm.
I almost fell asleep..but now I was humming the tune to 'I Will' by Beatles with my eyes closed...I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around, but there was no one there, then I saw Thom sitting next to me, giggling.

"Beatles, huh?" Thom smiled.

"Yea- wait, I thought we'll meet at 4 pm?" I got my earphones of me and looked at Thom a bit confused.

"Oh, yea right, I just got outta practice earlier so I went to Longbridges and..you're already here?"

"Well..I had nothing to do, so I got here earlier too."

"Ah, I see..and how long are you were waiting for me?"

"mm..like hour or somethin?" I hummed.

"Ohh, anyway I got something for ya."

Thom took his guitar case and unzipped little pocket. He took a cd out of it.

"Here! Listen to that!"
He said happily and giving me cd.

'Pablo Honey' by Radiohead. I hummed as I read the title.
I took out beatles cd from player and replaced it with Thom's cd. First song was 'You'..and IT WAS BLOODY AMAZING!! After some moments I looked at Thom.

"Wait, you're singing??" I said amazed by vocals.

"Yep, like it?" Thom tried to read my reaction.

"THIS IS AMAZING!" I smiled widely.

"..Glad you like it." Thom softly chuckled.

Some songs later :b

I took off my earphones and was really amazed by that band. It was so good!! My faves from this album were definitely 'I Can't' and 'You'.

We talked about our favourite musicians, bands, albums and songs of course. The atmosphere was very cosy, it was really like talking to a person I had known for years. We joked around, talked about silly things and just had a great time. It was a bit weird cuz I only met him this morning..

"..Hey, uhh wanna eat?" I awkwardly asked.

"Well..er..yea a bit?" Thom said hesitantly.

"Then..I have some biscuits. Want some?" I said as I was them in my bag.

"sure." Thom said shrugging.

"Here." I smiled sheepishly.

"Thanks." He said as he took two biscuits.

While we were eating, we were still talking. I was listening to Thom yapping about Radiohead, then I decided to ask.


"aye?" Thom looked at me.

"Does your band have..er a concert..maybe soon?"

"Yes, here in Oxford on the 28th of August..you want to come?"

"I'd love to!" I smiled as I said that.

"O-oh cool.." Thom's cheeks pinked a little.

As times passes it was already 4:19 pm.
We went for a walk in a park still yapping about random things.

"Actually, y'know about concert..er..maybe you would like to hang out with me and other guys from band after? If you want to?" Thom suggested.

"Hmm, I-" Thom cutted me off.

"Oh!! You could bring your friends too? I mean it would be cool having nice people around, like you." Thom smiled slightly.

"Oh, hah..Yeh, sure, I'll tell them about gig," I returned the smile.

"oh and-" I awkwardly chuckled.

"hm?" Thom hummed.

"..Just in case could you give me your number?" I smiled sheepishly again.

"yea, sure." Thom giggled too.

After we exchanged numbers, we walked around Park for about half an hour giggling about silly things and then decided to say goodbyes and make our own ways to home..


After about an hour I was finnally home..why after an hour, cuz I went to the market to buy some food for tonight and the next day. Before making dinner I decided to take a little nap as I was a bit tired..

A/N: Ellooo!! This chapter is longer than I thought it would be, but here it is anyway!(2 am again yasss🔥🔥)

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