6.|Friend Of A Friend

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Erin's Pov:

After yesterday's meet up with Thom, I went home. When I was finnaly home it was 5:11 pm Before making dinner I took a nap and slept for like 3 hours, so time was 8:37 pm, oops. But damn I was still tired. I made myself pasta, then ate it, watched TV and then decided to read until I fell asleep.

I woke up at 9:23 am this time. Good thing that I am working for myself so I didn't have to go to work every day, well sometimes i do photos for magazines but it's not that often, so yeaa (she's a photographer uhuh).

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. After brushing my teeth I went into the kitchen. I didn't feel like making a big breakfast, so I had some cereal and later made myself a coffee.

As I walked out onto the balcony, coffee in hand, I heard a phone call. I sighed and went to get the phone.

"Hel-" I was cutted off-

"Haii, Eri!!" Oh, that's Frances, by beeest frienddd!! We've been friends since we were like 13 or something??

"Hii, Fran!" I smiled.

"How ya doing?" She asked.

"Quite nice actually, just woke up a little while ago." I replied as I walked into the kitchen to sit down at the table..

"Hah, I woke up at 8 am or something, ahh nevermind. Wanna know somethin?" Frances giggled.


"I was at record shop, and bought three vinyls anddd somthin for youuu, hehe."

"ohhh you shouldn't have! Now I have to get you something too." I said jokingly.

"nah it's alright, you'll like it when we meet."

"oh, y'know what?" I remembered what Thom said about concert and stuff.


"So, uhh..I met a guy and we got to talking, he said he's in a band and they're doing a gig here in Oxford, maybe you'd like to go with me? Ah, and the band's name is 'Radiohead' by the way"

"Radiohead? I think I heard about them."

"Sooo you wanna go with me or no?" I sipped my coffee.

"When is the concert?"

"28th of August."

"Yea why not!"

"great!" I chuckled.

"Let's meet someday before gig?" Frances suggested.

"sure, I'll call ya later then."

"okay, baiii!" Frances said

"byee!" I said while smiling.

The call ended and i drank my coffee. The morning was surprisingly sunny, so I thought, why not go out and take some photos? I changed into brown baggy pants, a green top cuz it wasn't cold and dark green shoes. I took my bag, MP3 player, money(just in case) and my Canon EOS Rebel II SLR(it was my newest camera) camera of course.

I was gonna leave, but just when i tied my shoe the phone rang again. I weary sighed and went to get the phone again..

"Hello?" I said as I picked up the phone.

"Hi.. it's me."

A/N: okay, well..i am bad at writing dialogues sorry 💥
i kinda don't like this chapter 🔥🔥

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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