chapter twenty two - an intimate beach wedding (part two)

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Next up are the photographs. We have some on the beach, and some in the woodlands close by. We have some with just the two of us, with Dodger, with his family, with my family, with Scott, Abi and Scarlett. Him with Scott, with his family, with his friends. Me with Abi and Scarlett, with my family, with my friends. We even have a group one with everyone. Then when the photos are all over, we take transportation to the hotel Wailea for the reception, where a few tables are scattered around the room. Everyone takes their seats ready for the food, a mixed menu of fancier food and then more casual food. After the food, while everyone is just chatting and drinking, we do the speeches.

Lisa does one first; it's short and sweet, giving us both glowing reports all round, with a few embarrassing childhood stories. It's Scott's turn next. He's pretty relaxed, standing up ready to say his best man's speech.

"Thanks, mom. I'd just like to thank everyone for being here today, and thank everyone who helped make today the perfect day for Chris and Meg. Now, as most of you will be aware, as well as being Chris's best man, I am also his little brother. And we're very close. He's honestly my best friend." Everyone awes in unison. "I can always count on him to look out for me. And I can always count on him to sing me Neil Diamond when I'm sad." He tells everyone, and the room erupts into some laughter and some awes. Chris just blushes deeply, rolling his eyes. "So, Meg, you can definitely look forward to that." I laugh and smile widely. "Like any brothers we've had our ups and downs; our fall-outs. But we always come back closer than ever. I really look up to my brother. As a young kid, I always wanted to be just like him. I did whatever he told me to. Even after he cracked my head open on the coffee table! But that's a story for another time. I've got plenty of them." Everyone laughs. "A lot of you will know what a hopeless romantic my brother is, and after thirty nine years, he's finally found someone truly worthy of how deeply he loves. Meg, I'm really glad that girl is you. Honestly, when we first met back in LA, I could have probably given you a biography of your entire life thus far just from all the stuff Chris had told me about you. Seriously, he would never shut up. It got kind of annoying." He jokes, making everyone laugh again.

"Scooooott!" Chris whines, flushing slightly. Scott laughs and gives his brother a wink.

"But then I met you, and I could really see why Chris was so enchanted by you. And the more I saw you guys together, the more I realised that you were meant to be together, and I could tell my brother was falling head over heels for you. Well, heels are more my style, but you get the idea." The room erupts into laughter again. "You know, it's lucky, really, that the better looking brother is gay, because you wouldn't have stood a chance, bro." He jokes, patting his shoulder playfully. Everyone laughs again, including both me and Chris. "But now it's official! America's Ass is privately owned by Meg!" Everyone laughs and Seb and Mackie call out 'Captain lil ass!', making him smile and roll his eyes.

"In all seriousness, though, you two make me believe in true love, you really do. And I'm so happy for you, brother. You've done good." He smiles and Chris nods with a soft smile. "Guys, I love you to bits. Congratulations." He raises his glass and everyone claps, cheering. Next up is Chris. He takes a deep breath, standing up. I can tell he's super nervous. He's made speeches before. Said lines in front of hundreds of people. But this... well, it's a bit different, I guess.

"Well, first off, I'd just like to thank everyone for being here today. For coming all this way to celebrate this day with me and Meg. It means a lot to us that you could all be here. And to second what my brother said, thanks to everyone who helped bring today together. Of course, before we go any further, I HAVE to comment on how beautiful my bride looks. Isn't she a stunner?" Everyone claps and I blush deeply, rolling my eyes. "So, so gorgeous. Aren't I just the luckiest guy?" I nudge his leg playfully and he grins. "Um, I've been feeling quite nervous about giving this speech for quite some time, actually. I'm used to learning lines and giving speeches, sometimes in front of hundreds of people, but if I say the wrong line today, I might just pay the price for the rest of my life." Everyone laughs and I narrow my eyes at him, shaking my head. He chuckles. "But! I'm happy to tell you all that I slept like a baby last night - I woke up every two hours, crying my eyes out." Everyone bursts out laughing and I gasp dramatically, causing him to give me a playful wink. "As all of you will be aware, me and Meg met in some pretty crazy circumstances. Circumstances that don't come by you everyday." His gaze settles on me.

"From the moment I set my eyes on you, I knew you were special, that you were gonna turn my world upside down. Even more so after you tripped over that laundry basket because you saw me half-naked and got all flustered." Everyone laughs again and I smile, rolling my eyes with a slight blush. "Everyday I've spent with you has been a blessing. I've felt like the luckiest guy in the world, and not a day goes by where I'm not so incredibly grateful that you chose me. We've had our ups and downs, like any couple, but we've got through them, and I really believe I could get through anything with you by my side, Meg. You're the best part about me and you make me a better man. I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you when I flew to England and saw you... dropping those shoe boxes like the clumsy melon you are. I knew you were the one for me." I laugh a little, biing my lip. "Do you remember my birthday last year? I caught you listening to Katy Perry while you were making me pancakes, and you were dancing around." I narrow my eyes slightly and nod. He smiles widely. "That was the day I knew I just had to marry you." He states and I blush deeply, my lips stretching into a wide smile. "It was one of those moments in life; those moments so personal that you struggle to explain it to other people. I watched you dance around, without a worry in the world, and I said to myself, I said 'yeah, this girl's the one. She's the wife.' I had never been so sure of something in my whole life. You're the one that's gonna complete my life. I love you, Megs. And I can't wait to start calling you Evans." He says with a wink, making me laugh. Everyone claps and cheers, and he sits down. "How was that, aye?" He whispers to me.

"Pretty great. I've got a lot to live up to." I reply, making him furrow his eyebrows as I stand up. He didn't know I decided to do a speech also. Actually, no one did. I clear my throat. "Hey... everyone. For those of you that know me well... you know I'm not a fan of p-public speaking, at all... So, apologies in advance, b-because this is gonna suck!" Some people laugh. "I guess I just wanted to th-thank you all for coming. It really m-means a lot to us both that so many of you could join us today. I've never really been a lucky person. Never won anything in my life. I kept my head down a lot. I was a dreamer, but I kept it to myself. I kept a lot to m-myself. The more you show people, the more you get hurt. But then I won something. I won a competition. And I met the famous Chris Evans. The f-famous Chris Evans that yeah, I kinda had a hella big crush on." Everyone laughs a little. "And then during that month in LA with him... I met Chris. Just Chris. This funny, k-kind, sweet, caring man, with a pretty succulent ass and the maturity of a child s-sometimes." Everyone laughs. "Obviously, for those of you that know Chris personally, you already know what a wonderful person he is. You don't need me to tell you how amazing he is. He deserves a good wife. A great, wonderful, p-perfect wife. I'm just so relieved he settled for me before he found one!" Laughter again and Chris laughs, shaking his head. I smile innocently. "You helped me find myself, Chris. I can be myself with you, fully and without shame. You made it easy to open up to you. You've seen parts of me that no one else has, and I wouldn't have it any other way. You've made me so happy and given me everything, and I'm gonna do my best to make you happy, to give you everything. I love you, Chris." He smiles widely and everyone claps. I sit back down, trembling slightly.

"I can't believe you did that. It was amazing. You are incredible." He utters, giving me a loving kiss. Some whistles follow again, making us both laugh, and everyone toasts. "How come you're not having any champagne?"

"You know I don't like champagne." I remind him, to which he smiles.

"That I do... but just a drink in general. Any drink. I could see if they do an alcopop for you." I let out a laugh and shake my head, cupping his cheek.

"It's okay. I'm more than happy with squash."

"Alright, if you're sure." I smile and nod, as he takes my free hand and starts playing with my fingers, gazing at me. "You look so beautiful, Megs. So stunning. So gorgeous." My cheeks burn up and I bite my lip, glancing down at our entwined fingers. "You are the most beautiful bride in the whole world. I'm the luckiest groom in the world."

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