Afternoon Sun and Disappointments

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Charlotte's POV:

I stride through the airport, the click of my heels echoing against the polished floors, my designer sunglasses firmly in place, shielding me from the prying eyes of strangers. My phone is pressed to my ear, the sound of Nesa's voice keeping me company amidst the chaos of the terminal.

"Say that again," I demand, my tone clipped with impatience.

"I said, your mother just wreaked havoc in your office. You're officially fired, and she made sure the whole staff, even the boards know that. She doesn't want you anywhere near the hotel anymore," Nesa's voice crackles through the line, tinged with concern.

I let out a low, humorless chuckle. "Well, that's a relief. I'm not exactly dying to see her face again," I reply casually, my lips curling into a smirk as I effortlessly maneuver my baggage into place.

I went to join the line in the baggage counter, and as I wait to get my luggage checked, Nesa's voice continues to buzz in my ear, a persistent reminder of the chaos waiting for me if I ever try going back home.

"Aren't you afraid? Your mother won't stop until she's crushed you for embarrassing her," she persists, her words laced with genuine worry.

"Nope, not a bit," I retort, emphasizing the 'p' with a sense of defiance. "I can handle myself."

"But Charlotte, she's out for blood," Nesa insists, her voice trembling with apprehension.

Let her try, I think to myself, my resolve hardening with each passing second. I'll make sure she regrets every move she makes against me. After all, I've learned from the best – and there's no one better at playing the game than me.

"Where are you anyway? For sure you're going to be thrown out as well in your penthouse. Everything you own right, she'll get it for sure," Nesa said, worried.

"I'm well aware of that possibility. But rest assured, Nesa, she won't be getting her hands on anything of mine," I reply coolly, my tone tinged with a hint of satisfaction.

"What do you mean?" Nesa's voice crackles with curiosity on the other end of the line.

I let out a soft chuckle, relishing in the anticipation of her reaction. "Well, I took precautions. I sold my penthouse even before the wedding, along with my car. I've emptied out all my savings accounts, even cashed out my investments."

There's a moment of stunned silence before Nesa finally responds, her voice filled with a mix of awe and admiration. "You planned this very well, didn't you?"

I can't help but smirk at her observation, a sense of pride swelling within me. "Let's just say, I like to stay one step ahead of the game."


After 6 hours of being trapped in that metal bird, we finally touched down in San Francisco. The plane's engines hummed their final lullaby as we taxied to the gate.

As I stepped off the plane, the warmth of the San Francisco sun embraced me, a stark contrast to the chilly air I left behind. I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement mixed with a tinge of exhaustion.

But amidst the fatigue, there was a sense of anticipation, knowing that I had finally arrived in a place where possibilities seemed endless.

Finally, I've broken free from the suffocating grasp of my own mother. For too long, I've been nothing but a pawn in her manipulative games, dancing to her every whim and command.

But not now, not anymore.

"Starting today, you're taking charge, Charlotte Austin," I told myself firmly. From now on, I call the shots. No more waiting around for others to decide for me. It's time to trust myself, follow my heart, and create my own future. Today is the start of a new journey where I'm in control of where I'm headed.

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