Chapter 9

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   It had been several moons ever since the dog attack happened. The full moon shone at the night sky.
    Monarchstar stood by the Great oak,his tail hang from the branch he was sitting.

"  WindClan has a new warrior Rosebreeze." Sparkstar announced
The Clans erupted into yowls, calling out the name of Rosebreeze. Monarchstar noticed Willowstar shifting from his branch. Once the noise had died down Willowstar spoke

" ThunderClan is thriving. However we grieve the loss of our deputy Crowsong. " Willowstar mewed,he glanced towards the root of the Great Oak.
" Birdtow has taken her place as the ThunderClan deputy."

" Birdtoe! Birdtoe!"

The ginger she-cat shifted uncomfortably,he gaze traveling across the crowd.

" Moving on, we got two apprentices; Smallpaw and Turtlepaw." Willowstar mewed.

" Smallpaw! Turtlepaw!" The Clans erupted into yowls. Willowstar sat back again. Oceanstar was the next one to speak

" RiverClan is managing just well. We are greatful for the warmth and the orey Green-Leaf has brought us." Oceanstar mewed
" Miststorm has had a litter of five kits; Applekit, Bristlekit, Timberkit, Pigeonkit, Thriftkit."

" Miststorm! Miststorm!"
Oceanstar sat back again,his tail wrapped around his paws. Yarrowshade; the ShadowClan deputy stepped up next,his grayish coat was messy.

" Leopardstar apologies for not being able to make it to the gathering. " Yarrowshade begun
" I, however,was asked to take her place today. ShadowClan has been well. Green-Leaf has treated us well.  Lilynose has sadly reached the ranks of StarClan but Ashencreek has taken on an apprentice; Skypaw." Yarrowshade announced
" We also have new warriors. Patchstrike, Forestblaze and Fawnnose."
The Clans begun to chant the newly named warriors.
It was time for Monarchstar to speak. He rose to uis mitts, digging his claws in the branch to keep himself steady.

" SkyClan has been well. " He started
"  Rootpaw has earned his  name as a fully trained medicine cat; Rootwhisker. "
The Clans erupted into chants again.
" We also welcome Pheonixstrike to our Clan."
After a few heartbeats Yarrowshade called this gathering to an end. Monarchstar climbed off the Great Oak and wandered among the crowd of cats, eventually he spotted Cursedviolet.

" Cursedviolet! Cursedviolet!'' Monarchstar called. The WindClan warrior turned her gaze towards,she hurried to meet him.

" Listen, I  got something to offer." Monarchstar started
" What if you, Rosebreeze and Cougarpaw join SkyClan? I mean, I want to be with you and that way we wouldn't have ro hide."

" I want to be with you too but what about Sparkstar. And the kits, I can't just tell them that we are switching Clans." Cursedviolet mewed

" I'm not forcing you to. You can discuss it with them and let me know once you are ready." Monarchstar said

" I'll think about it." Cursedviolet replied then turned,she waved her tail in goodbye. Monarchstar turned and headed towards the tree-bridge where Juniperfrost had gathered the Clan,soon they set off back to camp.

" Monarchstar! Monarchstar!"
Monarchstar jerked awake once he heard his name being called. It had been awhile since the gathering. Monarchstar pooked his head outside his den, only to see Rainmist and Rootwhisker hurrying towards him.

" What happened?" Monarchstar asked while he exited his den.

" StarClan send us a sign." Rootwhisker was the first to speak. Pawsteps echoed and Juniperfrost appeared

" What sign?" The SkyClan deputy asked

" The Wind that soars through the skies with thunder cracking down to the river's shadows will send the darkness grumbling towards the light." Rainmist said
" It wasn't passed to us only but to the medicine cats of the other Clans."

" what does it even mean?" Juniperfrost asked

" We don't know." Rootwhisker said shaking his head

" Thistlefrost suggested we meet up with our Clan leaders and deputies to discuss it." Rainmist mewed

" It is indeed a good idea. Monarchstar said, Juniperfrost nodded in agreement
' return to your nests,we should discuss this further once it's sunrise."  Monarchstar added,he once more took cover over his den,he curled into a ball and closed his eyes. He could still hear the faint thundering of pawsteps retreating into their nests. After awhile he drifted off again.

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