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Satang and Dunk were talking about Joong's safety. Then winny came and said to look for a bodyguard. It will help but satang know joong will not agree for this .satang look at dunk and asked him to talk with joong about this

After a while  ..

Dunk came into Joong's room and saw him sleeping .dunk doesn't want to disturb him, so he left his room

Sarang : Dunk, what did he say ?
Dunk : I didn't talk about him yet he was sleeping so I came back

Winny : joong will not agree with this .he doesn't trust anyone.
Dunk : I think we should not

They think for some time then satang spoke..

Dunk will you be Joong's bodyguard

What are you saying winny asked

Satang : Dunk, joong trust you the most he will agree if bodyguard is you

Winny : Well, you are right . Joong will do anything. Dunk say

But how can I?dunk said

Joong spends most of his happy time with you .it will be easy for him

Dunk : Okay, I am ready, but let me tell Phuwin about it

Satang : Dunk, don't worry, we are with you

Winnysatang hugged dunk and went together to Joong's room

In room ...

Joong, we have something important to talk about you.

Joong : What is it

Satang told him about hiring a bodyguard

Satang, I am okay. I don't need any bodyguards for protecting myself.

Joong, don't be like this. Someone is trying to kill you, and you are saying you don't want any bodyguard. Winny  said

Dunk will be your bodyguard

What joong shouted winny what are you saying ..

Joong, I am ready, "Dunk said

No dunk, don't do this, joong said

But joong.. dunk said

No means no dunk. What if something will happen to you? I don't want this

But joong what about you .. dunk asked

I am okay. Nobody is gonna hurt me
How can you be so sure about this winny asked

I don't want to put dunk in danger because of me

But joong what if someone attacked you again, dunk save you before right so let him be your bodyguard Satang said

Dunk :Yes, joong, I am ready it's my job. I will do my best to protect you

Fine, I give up. joong said

I want to talk something with Dunk, joong said 

Satang and winny left the room

What happened joong ?

Dunk, are you sure you can do this ?

Joong I am ready don't worry nothing will happen to me or you I will protect you

Dunk, I think I love you ...

Dunk was shocked by this he froze there
Dunk, are you listening? joong asked

Huh? Oh yes, yes

Dunk, do you feel the same way as me? I don't know when this happened. I just can't hide it anymore. I don't want anyone else but you .you  believe me that true love exists in this world. I feel happy with you .with you, I feel like I am not blind. Dunk, answer me. Do you love me ?

Joong I have something important to do ... dunk nervously said

Joong stood up and held his hand
No dunk, you can't go like this ..
Answer me first

Joong, I love you too, but..

What happened, dunk ..

But you are rich and I don't know when I fell for you but.

Joong hugged him and said, "What are you saying, Dunk

Joong, I thought you would never love me
Why dunk .. why
Because I am not rich and good at anything.

Dunk, listen to me
Don't think like this you are the best who create a new me After my accident I don't want anyone to come into my life and ruin it bit you .. you taught me to live myself no matter whether I am blind or not

Dunk, I don't know how you look, but I love you the most. Don't think negative. I am always with you joong said

Thanks, Dunk for  loving me even when I am blind

Don't say this you are not different  I love you joong
I love you too Dunk

That's it for today See you all tomorrow Take care of yourself ❤️

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