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2 years later ...

With eye replacement surgery, joong can finally able to see again .

Author's pov

Satang and winny are in a relationship
Everyone is happy in their life
Pondphuwin always fights with each other but can't live without irritating each other

Joong: darling, where are you ?
Dunk : 5 minutes more I am coming

Joong : okay darling just 5 minutes more

Sometimes, later, Dunk comes
Darling, let's go

Satang : it's picnic time

Let's go and enjoy it ...

The whole day, they spent time with each other and did lots of fun  without any fear

At house

Dunk was in the kitchen, making dinner for everyone
Joong came and hugged him from back
Joong, what are you doing
Hugging my darling
Dunk smiled and gave him a kiss on cheeks
Joong came front of him and pointed at his own lips
Dunk gets what he wants so Dunk comes closer and kisses him on his lips
Now let me prepare dinner

Yes, darling 😘

Pond : Guys, let's watch the movie
Phuwin: Okay, but not horror, okay
Pond : You can hold me if you are scared, baby

Phuwin smiled and hit him lightly

Pond : babe, it hurts

Everyone smiled and sat and watched movies


Dunk, let's go sleep in the room, not here joong said

Joong, let me sleep. I don't want to get up and go to the room

Okay, then let me carry you

Joong carried him to the room and layed behind him
Goodnight darling, then he  gave him a kiss on the forehead and fell asleep

In morning

Dunk Dunk let's make coffee together joong showed his puppy eyes so Dunk can't say no to him
Dunk agreed
After drinking coffee, they sit with Jimmy and talk for some time
Jimmy : joong, I am happy that you can finally see again, and I am glad you find your true love dunk ❤️

Joong : you are right Jimmy when dunk come into my life I believe what true love look like he love me even when I  was blind ,he support me ,care for me ,love me ,made me belive I am not different from other . I was very cold-hearted before, but now I understand people's feelings, and Dunk helped me a lot. i just live my dunk and want  to see him before closing my eyes

Dunk cried and hugged him
Thanks, joong for this much. I love you yesterday, today, and I will love you tomorrow . I want you to stay by my side forever

Joong kissed him on the forehead and hugged him
Don't worry, dunk. I will never leave you alone, i promise

The end

It's a short story, and I am really sorry if I made any mistakes

Take care, guys .

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