Trouble in sight

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In the morning Rüya packed her books for the coming school day at the house. Her mother had left a note:

"Sweetie, I 'll be on a work trip for a few days. Order whatever you want to eat, love you!"

Rüya sighed, and threw the note to the trash. She hadn't even seen her mother come back from her previous trip.

The house felt like a huge, cold castle with no one but her there.

She took her back bag and stood by the door, looking into the dark house.

Suddenly the image of Yaman's house flashed through her mind. It was dirty, old and dim. But somehow she had sensed the love and life the walls held.

She shook her head to get rid of the image and opened the door. Çağla had just driven to the driveway.


The schoolday felt long and draining. The math equations danced in her eyes making no sense until the last minute of the class.

Finally the bell rang, meaning she was free and could meet Yaman!

"Today I can drive you home, we had to reschedule the fashion class today." Çağla said while packing her bag.

"I would rather walk, I'm meeting a friend." Rüya said, a ghost of a smile dancing on her lips.

"Hmmm... I feel like you are not telling me something. I'll let it go this time though." Çağla said while smirking at Rüya.

"I'll tell you when there's something to tell. Don't you yourself have that one guy you refuse to tell me anything about? The pot calling the kettle black, huh?" Rüya teased while they left the classroom.

"Ahaa! So this "friend" is a boy after all!" Çağla realized and nudged Rüya's side while giggling.

Rüya realized her mistake and just sighs, eventually joining Çağla's giggling.

They headed out of the school's security gate, towards the parking lot.

On the way there Rüya saw three, familiar men waiting by the parking lot. These three men argued with Cesur last week!

How did they know where she went to school and what were they doing here? Rüya's heart rate rose, and she tried to stop Çağla before they got any closer to the troublesome trio.

Just then Yakup noticed them and started walking towards them with a smirk on his face.

Rüya grabbed Çağla's arm, and stepped in front of her. There were still a lot of people around, so she didn't feel running away to be necessary. The school's security guard was also stationed very close.

The men reached them, looking pleased by how scared the girls were.

"Hello, little princess!" Yakup says in a mocking tone, but to Rüya's surprise he didn't look at her, but Çağla.

Rüya didn't know what this meant, but she was pretty sure they came to the school for Çağla, not her.

"Çağla, do you know these men? What do they want from you?" Rüya whispered to Çağla, looking back at her scared face.

"I have never seen them in my life!" Çağla manges to say through the shock.

The situation didn't make any sense, but for some reason these men had come specifically for Çağla, who had never seen them.

"Hey, you three. If you don't let my friend go with no trouble, I will scream. There are plenty of people around and our school's gate guard is close by. You can't do this here." Rüya said in a tight, angry tone.

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