We are in this together

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Rüya and Asi were half- jogging behind Yaman, heading towards Yaman's home.

It became clear to the girls that stopping Yaman at this point was not possible. He had a furious face on and he was taking huge strides towards his destination.

"Yaman, please, let's stop to think. Don't do anything harsh!" Rüya tried to reason with him.

Yaman did not acknowledge Rüya or Asi's presence. He had to think of a way to find his brother. Rüya did understand his anger, but she thought they needed to stop for a moment to think.

Eventually they reached the street of the children's house.

For people who were not familiar with the place it might look just like the other houses on the street, but Rüya immediately noticed that something was different from the last time: the blue gate was hanging lopsidedly, the chairs outside the house were fallen over and the door open.

Rüya reached her hand to Asi's back to comfort her. She had been at the house when the men came to get Cesur.

It must have been scary for the girl. Asi looked at Rüya with a sad expression on her face and gave her a half-smile that didn't reach her eyes.

Yaman was losing his mind after seeing the scene with his own eyes. He cursed and kicked the fallen chair in anger.

"WHERE ARE THEY?!" he shouted, not knowing where to even start looking.

It was difficult to see Yaman in such state. He was so different to his usual, charming self.

Rüya's head was spinning, thinking about everything she had witnessed happening. Was there a clue about where they could have taken Cesur?

In the first incident Cesur had instructed her to go stand further away so that she couldn't hear what they talked about. She did get an impression that money was the issue, but no specifics were shared.

In the second instance the men did not disclose anything about Cesur's situation. Then it hit her: Çağla.

"Yaman! What if I call Çağla? She has been seeing Cesur for a while! Maybe she has an idea about where to look for her?" Rüya said enthusiastically.

Yaman stopped walking back and forth, and looked Rüya in the eyes for the first time since the situation started.

"That's a great idea! Let's go inside!"

The three of them sat down in the sitting room, seeing the mess the men had left behind. Cesur and Asi had put up a fight.

Rüya took her phone out and called Çağla. She didn't pick up immediately.

Just as Rüya was about to hang up the call, Çağla picked up.

"Rüya..." Çağla sounded like she had been crying.

"Çağla, are you okay, did you make it home safe?" Rüya asked, putting the call on speakerphone.

"Yes, I made it back... Rüya, what happened? Who were those men? They knew the nickname Cesur calls me."

"I have seen those men once before. I can't tell you everything, but basically I know Cesur's brother. Those men pestered Cesur once before. Did he ever tell you about any troubles?"

"No... He was always so sweet to me. He didn't want me to worry about anything. I had no idea those people were after him. Rüya, where is Cesur, is he alright?"

Yaman was looking at the phone with a concentrated face and tapping his foot on the mat. Asi looked like she was about to cry. Rüya had to take control of the situation and try to find something helpful.

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