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𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞

it was currently 7:55 pm.

Novalie was having her best friends judge her outfit , while she waited for João to pick her up. they were going to have dinner at a restaurant.
the singer encouraged João to go out and celebrate the win with his teammates but the footballer just waved her off.

Noa was sitting on the couch , watching funny cat videos and letting out giggles every now and then.

"so , are you excited about your date?" Theo asked, wiggling his eyebrows up and down while Sage snickered.

Novalie rolled her eyes. "it's not a date." Novalie started. "it's just dinner"

Sage cupped the girl's cheeks and looked her dead in the eyes. "you're in denial"

"no , i'm not" she turned to Noa. "Noa , you think i'm in denial?"

the younger sister lifted her head and frowned. "what's denial?" Theo snickered and Novalie waved the girl off. "nothing"

"that outfit is inappropriate" Nolan said as he frowned and folded his arms. "no , it's not" Sage spoke up.

"yes it is" he started. "i also don't think you're João's type. you should just stay home" Nolan continued as he sat down on the couch.

Sage rolled her eyes. "don't lie , Nolan. you're just jealous" Nolan scoffed in return. "jealous of what?"

"of your sister not just being your sister anymore and getting laid with your teammate" Sage shot back. Theo made a face and Novalie grimaced at the words , while Nolan scrunched his face up.

"that is something i didn't need to know" he muttered underneath his breath. then , a knock was heard on the front door.

Sage turned her best friend towards her. "keep the conversation going , make sure to put lipgloss on everytime and if he talks about going to his house , use protection"

"woah , woah , i don't think any protection will be necessary" Nolan said , making a face. "yes , i think it is" Theo said.

Nova just rolled her eyes at her friends. João knocked again and Nova rushed to the front door. her friends and two siblings were right behind her.

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