Part IV

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I was awoken by whispers outside the car,and an annoyed grunt from above me."Carol,will you be able to help her?We haven't had the chance to examine her to actually check what injuries she has,and I think it would be better for you to do that anyway."a voice whispered from outside of the car."Of course!I had to take some first aid classes so I can atleast try my best,I did do quite well."Then,the door opened.The man above me shifted himself out of the car.Then I heard footsteps walking away,most likely him not wanting to be involved in this,as he didn't want me here anyway.Somebody grabbed me,thinking I was still asleep or knocked out,and carried me somewhere,and on a comfy bed of sorts.I'm definitely not complaining,I don't think I'd be able to walk.I finally decided to open my eyes,just in time to see a man in police uniform walk out,and a woman walk in.She appeared quite old,but sweet.She wore a nice smile on her face."Oh,hello!I didn't think you was awake yet.I'm very sorry if I woke you up."She smiled.I shook my head,trying to sit up,only failing to do so."Are you okay?Do you mind me just checking you,to look for injuries?"She asked.I nodded in reply.She sat me up,taking my jacket off,and slowly unbuttoning my shirt,making sure it's okay for her to do so.She looks at the scars and burns covering my body,and the newer injuries that were actually from the apocalypse."A boyfriend?Or a parent?"She asked."How do you know?"I asked,trying to speak,but my voice coming out very raspy."My husband,seems we are quite alike."She said,a reassuring sad kind of smile appearing on her face."It was my boyfriend."I said.She nodded and smiled in reply."You want to talk about it?You can always talk about what happened to you before and post apocalypse later,as I'm sure everyone will have questions."She added.I nodded to talking about it later."Okay."She smiled.She was still patching me up for about an hour after that,but then finished."There's a woman here,her name is Lori.She can come help you sort your hair out for you,if you would like."I nodded.She left,and a woman with beautiful auburn long hair appeared in the door.We spoke a little,whilst she did my hair.She managed to brush all knots out,and rinsed all the blood out with some water.She smiled,as she left.She was nice atleast.I stayed in the RV,not wanting to leave.I found a book next to the bed,grabbing it and beginning to read.Then a man came in,"It's my favourite."I jumped.I look up and see an old man,a fisherman hat in hand."Food is ready."He smiled,and left.I managed to stand up,grabbing onto the sides of whatever I could grab a hold of.I step out,to see a gorgeous camp next to a quarry and a big group of all ages,genders and race by a fire.They all seemed to be eating squirrel.I limped over,a blonde woman handing me my food."Hi,I'm Andrea,this is my sister Amy."I smiled and waved.I sat down on a log by myself,beginning to eat.The man from earlier with the police uniform on introduced himself as Rick and i also recognised his voice as the man from the car.Then,everyone went around introducing themselves until one man didn't say anything but just glared at me."That's Daryl,just ignore him."Amy said,from behind me.I realised he is the one I was laying on in the car,who wasn't keen on me.Rick eventually asked what happened to me,and I explained everything from before Atlanta and to what happened at Atlanta.There was a chorus of sorrys being said around the camp.I dismissed it,saying I'm okay now.I even got a few hugs especially from this little girl,Sophia.She's Carol's Daughter.She's such a sweet girl.She came and sat next to me,as Ed began arguing with Carol.I gave her a side hug,pulling her into me,so she cannot hear Ed and Carol in the tent closest to the fire.After the children went to bed,Rick and Lori came to me.They dragged Daryl along to,saying they had to tell us something.They explained how there's no extra tents or sleeping bags except the one in Daryl's tent,which used to be Merle's and how we are going to have to share a tent.Daryl began arguing but in the end,just gave up and wandered off to where the tent must be.Lori began saying sorry and how I should just ignore him,and how hes like this with everyone.I began making my way over to the tent,starting to feel quite tired.I walked in,seeing Daryl not there.I wasn't that bothered,and just got into the sleeping bag which didn't have anything next to it,guessing it was mine.I struggled falling asleep,only being able to think about how I could of done more to help save Jade,and being scared that Dylan will come back and hurt me,no matter how much I loved him and knowing hes gone.He haunts me.But,I ended up falling asleep.

+Daryl's POV+

I was coming back to the tent I now had to share with Merles female replacement.As I got closer,I heard whimpers.I stopped in my tracks,going up to the tent slower,trying to see what it was.Then I heard cries,I opened up the tent to see the new Rosalie girl,she said her name was sleeping but whimpering and crying,as if she was having a nightmare.I kneeled down,and flipped her to face me,seeing her tear stained face.I must admit,I definitely don't like her,but you can't help but not feel bad.Especially after hearing her whole story.I stroked my hands through her hair,shushing her.It was a horrible attempt to calm her,Ill admit.But it atleast worked and now I'll be able to get my peaceful sleep.

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