12 | the bloody string of fate

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12 ☆ ( "RED RIBBONS." )

It's been eleven days and counting–the torture continued

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It's been eleven days and counting–the torture continued.

Yamaguchi brought in her friends and made my life secretly miserable, no matter how hard I tried to keep it together. At home, I have no choice but to push away Mother and Father whenever they ask why I've been studying for so long despite having no tests. Still, I told them that I just needed more focus.

Yamaguchi knew how to make me break. She's started to know my pathway around the school, and in the process, has started to take my notes out of my notebook, leaving me to rewrite them.

Every. Single. Time.

Her friends even blocked my way to certain stairwells, causing me to run around the whole school trying to get back to class on time. They've been sending me malicious and threatening texts, telling me to break up with Riki since he's for everyone, yet I haven't faltered.

At least, not in front of them.

"And I was saying that–hey, Rie, are you okay?"

I couldn't let Yamaguchi and her sheep get to my head. If they did, they'd have control over my whole body, and I'd start to do irrational things. I'd do things that go against what I stand for, and even worse... I'd lose Riki. I couldn't let him go no matter how much I thought about it–I even made a pros-and-cons list yesterday night as I cried, but the pen ink began to smudge from the mess.

I let out a heavy exhale. I was holding it in for god knows how long. I hoped that like breathing, it would push her out of me, yet, she remained.

Yamaguchi Hisako. "Watch your back." Her little followers. Give in.

"Bubblegum girl."

I lifted my head, seeing the four of them staring at me with concern. Finally, the feeling of reality and being present resurfaced. I looked to my left and saw Hanae's hard grip on my shoulder. I shifted my sight to my right hand, seeing Riki caressing it with his left. Then, my eyes centered on the clouds, in an attempt to regain full consciousness. "Sorry," I apologized, suppressing my frown with a downward smile. "I was thinking about something."

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