Max's Dragon Shirt

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Wow thanks a ton @Creative052500 for the support. It's like I've been writing from 11:00pm-3:00am which is also what time I started writing this.

Man am I tired, but you I promised you guys, so here you go enjoy much Chapter. (Dedicated to @Creative052500) Onwards with much story!

Baked Chicken!


"Two please!" Chriped Ruby as she handed money to the bus driver. He nodded gruffly and the smiled at Max as they took their seats.

Ruby crinkled her nose in discuss as she looked at Max. "Max we are going to the mall to get you a brand new pair of overalls!"

Max smiled "Overalls." He repeated and then Ruby scoffed for no reason. "We have 5 dollars. Only 5 dollars to spend on your overalls got it buddy?"

Max nodded. "You are a filthy little dirt bag that needs new cloths cause I won't be caught anywhere near you looking like that." She said proudly.

Max gawked "Unnecessary." Max said and then smirked "One day Ruby, I sincerely hope you choke to death on all the shit you talk."

Ruby widened her eyes and opened her mouth to say something but Max cut her off just as quickly.

"Pow! Pow! What's that noise Ruuuuby? Pow! Pow! Powww!" He exclaimed wildely. "Oh..., its just the sound of shots being fired. #RubyWillGetSlayed :3"

Max crossed his arms in front of his chest triumphantly and Ruby retorted with "You know what max! You where a mistake! Just a big bunny mistake! Dad should have lived by a code and you know what that code is!?!" Ruby raged. Max shook his head.

"Its called 'Before you go I to the heat! Package your meat!' Do you get it Max???" She screamed.

Max shrugged and shook his head again. "Good! You're to young anyway!" She huffed.

Max shrugged and said. "No need for insults, your face is already one by itself." Ruby GAPED! "I'D SLAP YOU BUT IT WOULD BE ANIMAL ABUSE!" she screamed.

Max laughed. "You do realize I'm a bunny right...?" By this the the bus came to a halt and Max and Ruby hopped off the bus before Ruby could retort.

Max grinned triumphantly seeing as how he got the last word in. You know he isn't as innocent as every bunny pegs him to be.

The store looked awesome! They had chosen the store Clothes For Hoppin' and they specialized in "bunny-wear."

First thing Max did was run to the back of the store and stare down tons of different shirts.

Max ooed and awed since it was his first time away from home since the market incidence. He smirked to himself and continued looking for shirts.

Ruby on the other hand, forgot all about the overalls and was looking threw dresses.

She found a pick strapless dress with plastic diamonds around the waist. "Ug-ly!!" She cooed and took it off and placed it back on the rack.

In my opinion it looked better than that usual raggity piece of shit dress that she usually wears.

Ruby also tried on a feathery dress with green, purple, orange, and blue sparkles. "Still ugly!" She shouted shaking it off and throwing it on the floor.

"Hmm, oh where the hell is Max?" She questioned and then walked around calling "Max?"

Meanwhile, Max had put on a long dark green shirt with a yellow and purple dragon face on the front.

He liked it since it matched his dragon mask at home. He was wearing it with the price tag sticking out of the back of his neck.

"$5." He mumbled happily. Then as he walked the store he bumped into Ruby, who was holding up a pair of blue jean colored overalls.

"There you are!" She said. "Ew, take that ugly shirt off. Right Now Max." Max rolled his eyes and walked away. As she called "I'll wait right here."

As he walked to the shirts he stopped when he heard someone call "YES, ITS FREE! COME ONE COME ALL DELICIOUS ICE CREAM FOR FREE!"

He hurriedly ran to the voice and saw the one and only... Big brown bunny from the market.

He rolled his eyes and stepped up to the desk. The brown bunny didn't even look at him but he just handed Max the ice cream.

Max ran happily back to the shirts. Making sure to lick his ice cream so that it spilled all over the shirt and all over his snow colored cheeks and chin.

Ruby finally found him with his back to her eating something. "Max what are you DOING!" She said.

Max scoffed "eating." He said happily. Ruby squealed! "Ah! LOOK AT THAT SHIRT!" The commotion cause a bunny store attender to walk over.

She was chubby with pink sleek lip gloss and a hot pink work suit. "Oh, you have soiled that shirt! Now you'll have to pay for it." She stated. "The cost of that shirt is five. Dollars." Then stuck her chubby hand out for the money.

Ruby gawked and reluctantly forked over the cash. The lady snipped the tag on the shirt and walked away with out a goodbye.

Ruby gasped. "But, Max! What about your overalls!" She said rather abruptly.

Max simply smiled and licked at his ice cream. "No money left!"

Hello my loveliest of viewers. Thank you for sticking around this long. It really does make me smile knowing you guys love my story so much. Next update: tomorrow.

Also I would like to apologize for my update being so late. I woke up at around 3:00pm today ;D.

Anyways please remember to vote, comment, follow me and save this I. Your

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