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I.M.: Good Morning Mr. Park. I'd like to speak with you over lunch. 

Jimin rolled over in his bed as he read I.M.'s message. He sighed as he responded.

Mr. Park: Sure. I'll meet you in an hour at pizzeria by your company building.

Jimin put his phone down to go wash himself and prepare for his day. As he did so, he couldn't keep a certain hunter out of his mind. When he saw him last night, it brought back so many feelings Jimin had to force back in order to get a point across. Jungkook seemed to really want to be enemies now and Jimin secretly prayed it would change before things got ugly.

Once he was dressed for his lunch with I.M., Jimin made his way downstairs. He noticed Taemin and Hyunjin standing by the stairs in deep conversation. Both of the vampires looked upset, but Jimin was in a hurry so he would ask about it at a later time.  Should I drive or be driven? Jimin wondered as he stared at his keys by the front door. "Fuck it." he said and grabbed his keys before leaving the mansion.


I.M. was already sitting at one of the back tables in the Pizzeria when Jimin arrived. The overly dressed man stood to greet Jimin as he approached the table. "Hello Mr. Park. Glad you decided to come see me." I.M. held his hand out for a handshake, but Jimin only nodded and sat in the seat across from him. "So what is it you wanted to talk about? I haven't started rebuilding the club, yet." Jimin crossed his arms over his chest. He was seriously curious about why I.M. wanted to see him so soon.

"I think that we should build some trust between each other while all of this is going on. I feel as if you don't trust me and I have the same feeling towards you. However, I do want to help you." I.M. tried to keep a straight face as he spoke, but Jimin could see right through him. "You're interested in me. It's obvious, so just say exactly what you want from me. If I have to look somewhere else for financial help, I will." Jimin stared the other vampire in the eyes. He wasn't stupid and he wished some people would stop treating him as if he was. Yes, he was a kind person, but if it came down to it he could definitely bring hell up to the surface. 

I.M. smirked as he cleared his throat, "Like I've said, I do want to help you and I will. You are correct, though. I am interested in you. You're a very attractive man, Jimin and I would love to take you out on a date." Jimin couldn't help the laugh that burst from his lips. After a few minutes of trying to gain control of himself again, Jimin had finally stopped laughing. "I'm flattered but I don't think  that would be a good idea. I mean, you're not unattractive or anything. I just don't see you in that way."

I.M. chuckled to himself, leaning forward onto the table and clasping his hands together in front of him. "So you think I am attractive? That's enough of a start for me. Give me a chance. You won't regret it." Both the men stared into the other's eyes as it grew quiet between them as if they had decided to communicate telepathically. 

Jimin stood from his seat, clearing his throat. "Fine, I'll give you a chance. Text me later with the details." Jimin turned and hurried out of the Pizzeria. What the hell was that? Am I serious? He sat in his car and stared at the street for a bit then started his car. "Why not? It's not like I have anyone, or even the possibility of someone." He rolled his eyes as he looked at his reflection in the rear view mirror then drove off.

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