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*Hey guys. I apologize for the long waits for the next chapters. My twins have been running me ragged and they can't even walk yet lol. However, I just wanted to take the time to thank you all for reading still and would like to ask that you vote as you read and comment if you'd like. I'd love to see your opinions and interact with you all. Thanks again. I love yall.

P.s.  Share my stories with ppl u know who may like them. <3 *

Yoongi stepped into the small 4 bedroom house he had began to call home after a couple of years. It didn't take long for someone to step out of a room and greet him with a warm smile. It was a fairly tall woman with amber toned skin and dark hair down to her hips. Yoongi gave a warm smile back before they pulled each other into a hug. Yoongi gi pulled back clearing his throat, "It's been a while, Angel."

The woman chuckled and nodded, " I agree. You should come around more often." She leaned in again and sniffed, " Oh, someone's definitely going to be pissed." She laughed and Yoongi rolled his eyes. " There is no reason for him to even get upset. I was never his and he knew that." Angel shrugged. "I mean yeah, but we all know Luka. When he wants something, it's hard getting him to lay off it."

Speaking of the devil, Luka exited one of the other rooms and approached Angel and Yoongi. Luka stood a good 6'3", very fit physique, and his dark hair pulled up into a messy bun. "It's good to see you, Yoongi. Glad I didn't have to come get you from your... lover" Luka struggled with the last word as a growl rumbled deep in his chest. Yoongi was sure the man could smell Taehyung on him already.

"Yeah, I can't stay too long. I wanted to ask you for a favor while I'm visiting, though." Yoongi said as he kept an emotionless expression while making eye contact with Luka. Angel chuckled to herself before slowly backing away from the two men. She knew it was going to get a little heated no matter what Yoongi was needing as a favor.

Yoongi sighed as he noticed Angel leaving him alone with Luka. Luka couldn't care any less. " If it has anything to do with your lover, you can save it." Luka said as he crossed his arms over his chest. Yoongi looked up at the man and made sure to show his aggravation. " Technically, it not about him. It's more about another friend of mine that I have also known since I was like middle school age. Hunters in the city want vampires out and they are working pretty hard to get it that way. They have already destroyed my friend's club. However, we are able to rebuild in a more secluded place a little outside of the city for the others like you and I, and my friends."

"...and your lover." Luka rolled his eyes with a dry chuckle. Yoongi scoffed "That's besides the point, asshole! Look, we want to make the club also a place that our kind and theirs can hideout if they need to. As far as you, I wanted to know if we could bunk here if we ended up needing to."
Luka's eyes widened and glowed a bright yellow. " Absolutely the fuck not! Have you been sniffing poison berries?"

Yoongi sighed and ran his hands through his hair. "I knew you were going to be pissed, but Luka you can't be this way. I told you a long time ago I was somewhat taken. If my lover isn't welcome here then I can't come here either. If you would let my other friend in if he needs that would be great. There will be enough of ppl hiding out at the club so I didn't want to have them crammed in there too."

Luka stared at Yoongi, still pissed off from what he wanted from him. Yoongi watched Luka take a few deep breathes before his eyes changed back to normal and he moved closer to him. Luka reached and let his fingers slide through the hair on the back of Yoongi's head. Yoongi swallowed and kept his eyes lowered. Sometimes Luka could make him nervous and now was one of those times. Luka knew it and smirked as he closed his fist in Yoongi's hair. " Ah." Yoongi gasped as his head was yanked back a little.

He was looking into Luka's eyes now. The taller man wasn't saying anything other than staring into Yoongi's soul. Yoongi's heartbeat was increasing the closed Luka leaned into him.

What the fuck are you doing, Yoongi? Taehyung's voice echoed in Yoongi's ears, snapping him out of a developing trance. Yoongi pulled himself away from Luka and hurried out the door. When he got a good distance away he turned around to see Luka standing against the door frame with a smirk on his face. "If you won't help me and my friends then we will find another place to stay. That would probably be a better idea anyway. Fuck you, Luka."  Yoongi yelled then took off into the woods.

Luka laughed, " See you soon, my love"

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