How tf did it come to this

18 1 0

(Hello, this is the author, Lavendercherry. This whole this is going to be dialog and background stuff, or stuff for the future. If you're not interested, go ahead and skip the explaining part.)

*In this story, you work at an asylum. You're 18, you have (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and have a beautiful voice.*

*You're enemy, r/n, applied for this job just to annoy you. Once you got on a good level with your patients, they swtched her paitents with yours to annoy you.*

*You're original patients, were:*


Discription: Female-15-purple hair blue highlights, green eyes, shy voice, star earrings.

Disorder(S): ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, possessive disorder, maniac.

Sent in by: Younger sister, didn't fight back and wasn't scred but accepted it. Sister says she started killing and eventually threatened her school bullies and kidnapped them, killing them in unique ways

Relationship: {Close 70%}
Your thoughts: friends
Her thoughts: ¿friends?


Discription: Male-16-Black hair, blue eyes, deep but swaying voice, black round glasses.

Disorder(s): attachment issues, possessive disorder, sadistic,  manipulative.

Sent in by: Mother. There was a struggle, but eventually accepted it after bribing him. Mother says he killed his personal tutor for math after anger of forced to have one, and was so 'satisfied' by that that he started killing others and got away with it for two years.

Relationship: {Fine...? 69%}
Your thoughts: Just another patient, but maybe friends...
His thoughts: Silent admirer


Description: Male-19-Brown hair with blonde highlights, grey eyes, light voice, and a cross necklace.

Disorder: ADHD, DID, MPD, Obsessive, good liar, believer of god, when in love, treats the partner like their god, narcissist, suicidal.

Sent in by: Partner. He would only follow his partner and tried breaking out and almost succeeded when partner leaved him there. Partner says he killed his past partners who tried leaving him, and he would try suicide when the partner would just leave the house without him.

Relationship {Very close: 89%}
Your thoughts: very close friends...
His thoughts: obsession. was very close to confessing until you switched patients.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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