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The world seemed different now that I've been cured. I could enjoy my surroundings without worrying about not getting to the sunlight anymore.

But it was more like a hollow since the person I wanted by my side while I enjoy these weren't beside me anymore.

I stand before his tombstone where he's sleeping peacefully, away from me, away from his family, away from everything fun and everything cruel.

I kneel down to touch his tomb, the way I used to touch his face, trying to feel the warmth of him. I realised it was all in my head as all I could feel is coldness, no sign of his familiar warmth.

I move my hand to touch the photo that was placed by the tomb. He was smiling, like he always used to. It was like he was untouched by all the impurities, all the negatives.

The smile which made me want to live.

I leaned in to see the photo more clearly. My brown hair, long and healthy now, was ruffled by the wind. But the person who longed the most to see them, to fix them as they were ruffled, to feel them, weren't around anymore.

There was a lot of flower petals around the cemetery and around his tomb, both dry and fresh, a sign that spring was freshly gone.

I watched as the winds messed up the petals, making them fade into the thin air, just like he faded from the cruelty of the world.

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