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3rd person pov :

Arthure just came from training with the asuras and finally seeing his friends and the very people he consider his family .

After catching up with the twin horns and tess he suddenly got teleported to an unknown place , everything was white , getting off of his shock he drew dawn ballad and assumed a fighting stance but to his surpise his found many people such as his family and his friends back in xyrus .

alice was basically running to her son along with reynoalds , arthure was confused at first but he finally embraced them back and turing to his little sister . finally seeing them again reynolds was the first to speak. " What's this place ? is everything okay?.".

Then a sudden light apeared , it was so bright that it could blind people if they didnt close thier eyes , after the light disappeared it showed a feature less man with white skin. "Dont worry , im the one who telerported you here to see the future. " To say that they were shocked was an udnerstatement , finally virion broke the silence. " how can we believe what u're saying ? as far as i know it's just impossible to have this kind of power. " he said remember rinia who can only see glimpes of the future with the price of her own life force.

The main spoke with a dignified manner. " worry not , i dont have any ulterior motive , i just want to show the future to a little with the war , as of now its nearly impossible for u to even hope to win against alacrya. " everyone was left speechless with fear , the memebers of the council looking at each other while the lances thinking how can they lose with them being in the highest core level 

" Just give us a reason to trust you and promise the safety of the people here , seeing your power i doubt u would be lying as would simply be meaningless since u can kill us here and now. " arthure spoke with an authorative and firm tone that surprised even his family. " Oh well i guess u're right about that one gr-arthure , dont worry i simply want to refrain a carnage from happening , as for the safety , no one can use any kind of attack nor any magic here , i rule this place and if i wish for one to dissapear then he will. " The man said leaving arthure in a state of pure shock.

Everyone gulped in fear after hearing that , then he spoke again " Anyway , i highly recommend you to get well with each other , we wil begin the reaction in a short moment , i would also be teleporting people from the future which r from the enemy continent before we start so get ready. " Many were skiptical to say the least but most were mad that people from the enemy side will be with them , however before speaking the man said again. " Just so you know , being an alaclaryan doesnt mean u're a beast , they r merely people who r forced to go to war by false gods , and i wont accept any disaproval. " they understood the situation they are in and just refrained themselves from doing anything that can lead to death

After a few minutes many portals opened up , at first the dicathens were shocked and the fighter quickly assumed a fighting stance , then the man spoke again. " Chill guys , they are the people i said i'll be teleporting. " As soon as he finished a person with wheat blond hair and golden eyes so cold they could freeze a person at sight spoke up."Who are you ? and what's about 'teleporting us here'?." "Well it's just as i said grey , i telerpoted you here to react to a certain person , be it his past or the future..." the man informed with a voice devoid of emotion.

the alaclaryans were shocked , grey and seris were the first to recompose themselves , when grey finally took a glance at the people he was in shock. ' what the hell are they doing here ?! and da-reynolds ?! and is that me ?! regis u here ? any explaination ?' he thought , regis didnt respond as he was in the state as arthure , even the djinns didnt talk about anything of this sort , he was in verge of tears , he was barely able to mentain his face straight as to not draw suspecions , though it didnt go unnotice by seris and caera , seris could only imagine his pain while caera simply didnt know why he reacted like that , then grey spoke again with a cold voice that ran shivers on everyone present except for the man. " Whats the meaning of this ?. " 

the man simply shrugged before answering " As u can see those people are from dicathen , and they from the past , as i said before u will react to a certain individual present here and u'll even see the future. " the students and abby were about to move when they learned about the identity of the people facing them , simply put they imagined them as beasts like they were told by thier souvraings.

" Well i guess u guys need an explaination like did to them , simply put in this place i am the only one who command , any attack , any use of magic means death , i control this place and thus control everyone here , the rules are simple , dont attack each other nor be hostile ." the man spoke emphasizing the last part with a bit of his aura , everyone understood the rules , and needless to say seeing the future drew excitement in everyone even though the situation is scary.

ah so guys i did say that the timeline will be after arthure came back from training with the asuras , BUT i said that the greysunders are with the character reacting which is a HUGE mistake from me as they died when arthure left dicathen... , so simply put they r not here and i will fix the mistake in the previous chapter.

anyway , in the next part i'll reveal what arthure is capable of when he came back from training , and start the plan.

about the schedul , i dont have any to be honest , i'll try to upload as often as i can , but im still busy with the last exams right now so dont expect much

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