The Fall and Rise of a HERO part 1

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Ok so i know i said i'll show the fights of arthur against the retainers but i got some problems with them , and lets be honest showing as feats is enough , the main fight is art and sylv against nico and caddel. 

There will propably be other chapter that i said i'll do but i'll cut them out , though im not sure so i wont make official.

Right now im way to busy with my exams so it explains my absence , and after sunday i'll be free so expect some fine cooking :)

anyway that was enough talk and as always i'm open to any feedback/suggestion so feel free , have a good read !

3rd pov :

"What do u 'fall' ? it cant be my son right ? " alice spoke with a voice full of care and worry then looked at arthur who understood the title and made up his mind however , he had to ease his mother's mind " dont worry mom im sure it's not and it's not like i'll die easely..." as he said he quickly regreted it but thankfully his father and Elijah was there for the clutch " yeah he's right ma'am he's like a cockroach " he said earning a few chuckles.

'could it be his last fight where he died ? ' thought the few alacryans who were oblivious to the story, while nico's rage only rose up thinking that grey is alive.

" Alright everyone enough of your ' inspections ' , now we should start so prepare your selves it will quite the battle to witness " said the man in an excited tone.

        the fall

My breath caught in my lungs and I stumbled to a halt. Elijah, who had been taken by Draneeve during the invasion at Xyrus Academy, was alive and standing in front of me. "Elijah? W-what's going on? How are you..." my voice trailed off as our eyes met. This was definitely Elijah, but everything about him seemed just a little off. His hair, his skin, even his age seemed slightly wrong. It was his eyes most of all, though. In them, I couldn't find any sign of my friend.

" WHAT ?! " the ones who knew Elijah all shouted, the alacryans 'lessers' were confused as to how a lance from dicathen knew and was even a friend of a scythe.

With a sneer, Elijah leapt back, his arms swirling with a black aura. I responded in turn, igniting Realmheart Physique to its fullest extent. From what I'd seen so far, his spell formations were almost instant. If I was going to get out of this alive, I needed to know where and how his spells were going to form beforehand. I could see my bangs turn white while golden runes began pulsating on my skin. In Realmheart, with the otherworldly power of an asura coursing through my veins, I felt myself calming down—becoming detached from my emotions. With a thought, I withdrew the only sword I had left in my dimension ring—the remaining sword of the pair that Senyir, Trodius's daughter, had given me. The golden sword slid out of its scabbard with a soft hum. Tightening my grip around its handle, I faced Elijah. A whirlwind of ash-like mana moved in spirals around his hands, ready to be unleashed. I need to stop him. I'll pry the answers out of him after that. I dashed forward, closing the gap between us in three steps. I aimed for his midsection but a black spike erupted from the ground between us, parrying my swing. "Why are you doing this, Elijah?" I leapt to the side, repositioning myself. I didn't let him rest. The physical training I had done with Kordri kicked in and my feet blurred in a series of complicated footwork maneuvers designed for sharp directional changes as I cut and thrust at every part of Elijah's body with the golden blade. I even swung with the steel sheath, wielding it like a second sword. "After what you've taken away from me, how can you ask me that, Grey?" Elijah replied, his voice seething with anger.

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