A promise

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3rd POV

" Alright guys now we're about to see the rest of the fight , but I want to give u a change of mood , so how about i show u something wholesome ?" The man said leaving curious experessions on our faces.

" honestly it would bad since it's propably something that isn't useful for the war , but giving the situation i think it's better to change the mood a little , what do u guys think ?" Virion spoke with his hand on his chin thinking about the best outcome, everyone nodded except for the lances while arthur parents were thankful for that even if it only means so slow things.

"Alright then eyes forward , this will take place at the wall ."

"Memories of my last conversation with Tess came to my mind. It hadn't been that long ago, but she seemed so different now—more mature, like she said.

That's when I realized: The feeling of elation and joy I felt when I saw Tess wasn't from Sylvie's emotions flooding into mine, because I still felt it even now. I reached into the inside pocket of my mantle where I'd stashed the charm I had bought earlier. I liked Tess. I had always liked Tess. If it wasn't for the fact that I was born with ******** of my ******** **** as an *****, I might've confessed my feelings to her long before."

' no wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy , arthur actually liked !! , oh my god calm down tessia calm down , dont pass out!' Tessia thought while trying her damn best to contain her blush though it didnt work as she was deep crimson red from toe to ears, Virion had a sly smirk just like his - son and daughter-in-law - like he always had when teasing arthur and tessia ' ooohhhh~~ i always knew he would end up as my great grandsom-in-law.'

' wait what ?! uhhh i hope my future self knows what he's doing i dont wanna end up in prison.' Arthur thought, of course he was happy but after seeing the removed words it set him uneasy but fortunately Sylv was there to teas-comfort him ' ohhhhh~~ i knew it! i finally have an official mama now!'.

As much as happy was Virion he still had to ask the question that everyone wanted it's anwser " Well that was good and stuff but whats with the those removed words ? the sentance is practically useless now as it doesn't make sense anymore."

"Oh that dont worry you'll understand later , for now just have fun" The man answered.

But how would she feel about me if she knew my secret? Would she react the same way my ******* had? Would she feel *********—like I had when I first realized I liked her? Doubt weighed down on me, and suddenly the tiny little charm in my hand felt like a lead weight. "Thank you for showing me this place. I always thought of the Beast Glades as such a dangerous and bloody place. I didn't realize how beautiful it could look." "That's exactly how I felt. I love the view up here, but honestly this place is tied to a bad memory, so I"—I gripped the charm more tightly—"I thought coming up here with you might make it better." "Has it?" she asked, shifting slightly. "Made it better, I mean?" "It has," I said seriously. Summoning my courage, I held out my hand, gesturing for her to do the same, then setting her gift gingerly into her palm. It was a simple silver charm: two leaves laid over one another to form the shape of a heart. "I got this for you." "It's so pretty!" she cooed, holding the charm up to inspect it. "Is this, perhaps, a reward for the great tour I gave you today?" "No..." My tongue felt very heavy and my mouth very dry. "It's—it's because I like you." "Wait, what?" Tess's eyes widened, her expression more disbelief than surprise. "I'm sorry, I was so wrapped up in your present, I must have misheard. I swear I thought you said—" "I like you, Tess," I finished with more conviction, pushing down the doubt still growing inside me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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