29. A Life Worth Protecting.

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Blake sat next to Carl on the stairs in the cellblock as they watched Lori and Beth help Hershel up. He was much better now, and the group was lucky enough to find them a pair of crutches.

"Just take your time," Lori told Hershel in a soft tone. Blake apologized to Lori, a few days ago about the whole infirmary thing. Lori wasn't mad. She was mostly just scared, and she told Blake to never do something like that again. She told Blake that her life was too precious, and that it was worth protecting, rather than throwing away. Lori always said things like this, and at first it made Blake uncomfortable because she wasn't used to hearing such tender words, especially from a mother figure.

Blake decided a long time ago that she hated her real mother. She was never there. She left right after Blake was born and never bothered to even send a letter. And worst of all- she left her with her shitty father.

Besides, she had better mother figures, like Lori, and Carol, and Maggie. They all took care of her when she needed it.

Beth and Lori were taking Hershel outside, since he insisted so heavily on it. Blake understood- being strapped in this hot, humid prison for more than a week sounded like pure hell.

Carl and Blake followed as Beth and Lori helped Hershel walk outside. He was doing really well, considering it was his first time walking since his leg was cut off.

Outside, she saw Daryl, Rick, and Glenn outside the fences, though she wasn't sure what they were up to. Being in a big space like this was nice, even though it was a prison. She would much rather be running through the fields of Hershel's farm. She missed the farm, even though she had bad memories from that place- that bad memory being Shane.

But still, she thought the farm was much better than the prison. It was cleaner, and more peaceful.

"You cleared all those bodies out?" Hershel asked as he looked around the basketball courts. "It's starting to look like a place we could really live in."

"Hey, watch your step," Lori said gently. "Last thing we need is you falling."

"Alright, Hershel!" Blake hears Glenn shout out from the fence. Him and Rick had just brought some wood in from outside the fence.

"You're doin' great, daddy," Beth said softly with a big smile on her face.

"Ready to race, Hershel?" Carl joked, making Blake smile just a bit. The thought of Carl and Hershel racing was amusing to her.

"Give me another day," Hershel said. "I'll take ya on."

"Oh, man," Blake smiled. "I think you got a real challenger here, Carl," she said sarcastically. Everyone chuckled a bit.

Then, they all stopped near the end of the yard, where some benches were. This must've been where some of the prisoners ate lunch, Blake thought. A little ways away, they saw Maggie, T-Dog, and Carol. Maggie had a big smile on her face. She was proud of her dad.

Rick, Daryl, and Glenn were all still behind the fence, staring at Hershel with proud looks on their face. They all had their doubts that Hershel would make it, but here he was, walking like nothing happened.

Suddenly, Blake heard some shuffling footsteps from behind her, and Carl must've heard it, too. When they both turned around, Carl was the first one to shout as he took out his gun. "Walkers! Look out!"

Right after that is when Blake took her pistol out. She stood on top of one of the benches next to Carl, and they both started shooting the walkers one by one. There was a lot. Too many. Blake's aim had become much better, so almost every shot she took was a head shot.

Lori took out her gun and started shooting the walkers, too. Blake wished so badly that she wasn't so far away from Daryl right now, but she couldn't let the worry distract her. She'd made that mistake before.

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