The Ex Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

When I wake up in the morning I feel the most rested I've been in a long time. The sun was streaming in so I knew it was morning already. I roll over feeling for Chris, but all I felt was fur. Roxy was curled up in his spot fast asleep. No wonder why I still felt so warm, the dog practically radiated heat. I quickly got up and dressed for our last day at the mountain which was alright with me because my muscles were certainly starting to feel it. I was pretty fit but after three days I just wanted to relax. I ran upstairs and told Chris that I was taking Roxy for a walk to get her some exercise too. She was normally very active so her just lounging around the past couple of days was getting to her. I take her for a quick run near the lake, play fetch with her for a few minutes and then head back to the house.

"Hey, you we're leaving in a few minutes, are you gonna be ready. The girls are all staying here today because they're beat so you don't have to go if you don't want to." says Robert.

I thought about it for a minute and decided to go. It was the last day and we were only staying for a couple of hours. I knew we had six more days here so I wanted to spend it at the mountain and then relax the other days.

"I'm going to get ready now. Don't leave without me."

I quickly put on my snow pants and grabbed my goggles, gloves and boots.

"Ready, let's go."

We make it to the resort in no time and head straight for the ski lifts. We decided to start on a long but easy slope first to warm up then hit all the hard ones after. It was kind of nice just hanging with the boys. It used to be just me and the guys growing up causing trouble and having fun. Then we all grew up, they all got girlfriends and I was usually busy with Sean after we started dating. It was only on rare occasions we got together without our dates. Also, none of the girls were as good as us so today we didn't have to worry about waiting up for them or taking it easy. We spent our half day out the whole time and only stopped for a quick bathroom and red bull break. At around one we called it quits and decided to go out to lunch before we went back. Choosing a pub that was at the resort we grabbed a booth and ordered a round of beer.

"It was pretty fun hanging out without the girlfriends today, huh. We need to do that more often. Well you don't count Bella you're like one of the guys" Tyson declares.

"Yeah, well I can't say anything about the girlfriend part cause mines here, but it was nice not to here the nagging of the others. No offense guys." we all laugh at Chris because it's true that they do nag a lot. Danielle is the worst by far, not wanting to do anything without Tyson but doesn't like to do anything he does. It ends up with them fighting all the time. Shannon wasn't bad she supported what Pat wanted to do and if it wasn't her thing she would let him do it on his own. Nice easy going relationship they had, which I admired. Sean constantly had to be everywhere I was at all times. He didn't even like me taking a girls night out which was a little annoying.

After a few beers and burgers we were ready to go. I had so much fun today reminiscing with the guys about all our childhood memories. We were so much trouble as kids and teens. Our poor parents. They survived though and I think that we all turned out pretty great.

After we were done eating and a few beers later it was time to head back. Everyone was meeting up back at the cabin for dinner and then the club after. I didn't bring any clothes for a club or going out so I had to go shopping too. When we arrived at the house all the girls had the same thought as me and wanted to go to the mall. I quickly changed to head out with everyone. Chris told me that he would take Roxy out for a walk so I didn't have to worry about her.

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