Intense Dance.

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The masquerade party was in full swing, the grand ballroom alive with music and laughter. Guests twirled and swirled in their elegant costumes, their masks adding an air of mystery to the evening. The chandeliers cast a warm, golden glow over the dancers, creating an enchanting atmosphere.

Aaron stood by the edge of the dance floor, his eyes scanning the room. He watched as his parents, Charlotte and Andrew, moved gracefully to the music, their love for each other evident in every step. Ava, his little sister, was chatting animatedly with Nicholas, her laughter ringing out above the music.

"Shall we dance?" Nicholas asked Ava with a charming smile, extending his hand.

Ava's eyes lit up. "I'd love to!" She took his hand, and they moved onto the dance floor, quickly blending into the sea of dancers.

Aaron's gaze shifted to Aria, who was sitting at a table, looking slightly lost in thought. Her dark hair cascaded over her shoulders, and her hazel eyes seemed to be searching for something. Or someone. Just as she stood up, Aaron felt a surge of determination and walked over to her, cutting through the crowd.

He stopped in front of her, extending his hand. 'Dance with me.'

Aria looked at him, a mix of surprise and confusion in her eyes. "What are you doing, Aaron?"

'Oh for gods sake, Aria.' he said, his voice firm but not unkind. 'Are you gonna dance with me or not?'

For a moment, Aria hesitated, her eyes flickering with uncertainty. But then she nodded, placing her hand in his. "Alright."

They moved onto the dance floor, and as the music swelled, Aaron pulled her close. They began to dance, their movements perfectly in sync, yet the tension between them was palpable. The argument they had a few days ago hovered like a shadow over their every step.

"Why are you doing this?" Aria asked quietly, her eyes not meeting his.

"Because," Aaron replied, his voice low, "we need to talk. And because I wanted to dance with you."

Aria's eyes finally met his, a flicker of emotion crossing her face. "You always like to make things complicated."

Aaron's grip on her tightened slightly. "I never meant to, Aria. Things just... happened."

"Things just happened," Aria echoed, a hint of frustration in her voice. "That's one way to put it."

As they continued to dance, their movements became more intense, the tension between them almost electric. Around them, other dancers began to notice, their curiosity piqued by the charged atmosphere. Nicholas, dancing with Ava, couldn't take his eyes off his sister and Aaron, his expression unreadable.

"Do you ever think about what we had? Before everything?' Aaron asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Of course I do," Aria replied, her eyes glistening. "But thinking about it doesn't change what happened."

"No, it doesn't," Aaron admitted. "But maybe we can start over. Maybe we can figure this out."

Aria looked at him, her expression softening slightly. "And what if we can't?"

"Then at least we tried," Aaron said, his voice steady. "I can't let you go without trying."

For a moment, they danced in silence, the world around them fading into the background. It was just the two of them, locked in a dance that was as much about their past as it was about their present.

"I don't know if I can do this again, Aaron," Aria said finally, her voice trembling.

"I know," Aaron replied. "But I'm willing to try if you are."

As the music drew to a close, the dancers around them began to slow, their movements gentle and relaxed. But Aaron and Aria remained intense, their eyes locked, their connection undeniable.

The night continued, and eventually, the party began to wind down. Guests said their goodbyes, their masks now in their hands, revealing tired but happy faces. The Bancroft family gathered near the entrance, thanking everyone for coming.

"Thank you for the dance," Aria said softly to Aaron as they stood by the doorway, the tension between them still palpable but softened by the evening's events.

"Thank you for saying yes," Aaron replied, a small smile tugging at his lips.

As Aria and Nicholas prepared to leave, Nicholas gave Aaron a long, measuring look. "Take care, Aaron."

"You too, Nicholas," Aaron said, his eyes briefly meeting Aria's once more before they turned to go.

As the door closed behind them, Aaron felt a mix of emotions swirling inside him. The night had been intense, but it had also brought a glimmer of hope. He turned to Ava, who was watching him with a knowing smile.

"Quite a night, huh?" Ava said, nudging him gently.

"Yeah," Aaron replied, a thoughtful look in his eyes. "Quite a night."

And as the family began to clean up the remnants of the party, Aaron couldn't help but wonder what the future held for him and Aria. The dance had been just a beginning, a tentative step towards something new. And as he moved through the emptying ballroom, he felt a spark of determination igniting within him.

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