Dinner With The Bancrofts.

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The Bancroft residence was a grand, sprawling estate, its elegant architecture bathed in the soft glow of the evening lights. As Aria and Nicholas walked up the front steps, Aria felt a knot of anxiety tightening in her stomach. Dinner at Aaron's house always came with an undercurrent of tension, and tonight was no different.

Nicholas glanced at her, his expression serious. "You ready for this?"

Aria forced a smile. "As ready as I'll ever be."

The door opened before they could knock, and Ava stood there, beaming. "Hey, you two! Come on in."

"Hey, Ava," Aria said, her smile becoming more genuine. "Good to see you."

"Good to see you too," Nicholas added, giving Ava a hug.

As they stepped inside, the warmth of the house contrasted sharply with the chill in the air outside. The smell of dinner wafted through the hallway, inviting and homey. Ava led them to the dining room, where Charlotte and Andrew were already seated. Aaron stood by the table, setting down the last of the dishes.

"Mom, Dad, you remember Aria and Nicholas," Aaron said, his tone polite but strained.

"Of course," Charlotte said, her smile tight. "Welcome."

"Good to see you again," Andrew added, though his tone was equally reserved.

"Thank you for having us," Aria replied, her voice calm but wary.

Nicholas nodded. "Yes, thank you."

They took their seats, and Ava quickly started chatting, trying to ease the palpable tension. "So, Nicholas, how's work going?"

"It's busy, as usual," Nicholas replied, grateful for the distraction. "But I'm managing. How about you, Ava? How's school?"

Ava launched into a story about her latest project, her animated voice filling the room and lightening the mood. Aria caught Aaron's eye across the table, and he gave her a small, encouraging smile. She returned it, though her heart was still pounding.

As they ate, the conversation flowed in fits and starts. Andrew and Charlotte kept their questions polite but distant, clearly still wary of Aria and Nicholas. Aaron did his best to bridge the gap, but it was Ava who truly kept the atmosphere from becoming too heavy.

"Did you know Aria's an amazing dancer?" Ava said at one point, her eyes bright with admiration. "You should see her sometime, Mom. She's incredible."

Charlotte smiled, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "I'm sure she is, dear."

The rest of the meal passed in a similar fashion, with Ava steering the conversation away from potentially contentious topics and keeping things light. By the time dessert was served, the atmosphere had become almost pleasant.

After dinner, Aaron walked Aria and Nicholas to the door. "Thanks for coming," he said, his voice sincere. "I know it's not always easy."

"Thanks for having us," Aria replied, giving him a quick hug. "We'll see you soon."

As they made their way back to their door, Nicholas's expression darkened. He waited until they got in before speaking.

"You are aware they were basically judging you the whole time, right?" he asked, his voice tight with anger.

Aria sighed, closing the door behind them. "Yes, Nick. I'm aware."

"And you're just... okay with that?" Nicholas asked, his frustration evident.

Aria turned to him, her expression resigned. "It's life, Nick. People are going to judge. I can't change their minds overnight. All I can do is be myself and hope they come around eventually."

Nicholas shook his head, walking into the house. "You deserve better than that, Aria."

"I know," Aria said softly. "But I love Aaron, and he's worth it. We'll find a way to make it work."


They sat in silence for a couple moments, and then Nicholas took a deep breath and sighed.

"I just hate seeing you go through this," he said, his voice gentler now.

"I know," Aria replied, reaching over to squeeze his hand. "But I can handle it. And thank you for always having my back."

Nicholas nodded, his anger giving way to concern. "Always, sis. Always."

As they sat in the living room, the air cool and refreshing, Aria felt a sense of relief. No matter how things were with Aaron's family, she knew she could always count on Nicholas to support her. And with that thought, she felt a glimmer of hope that things would eventually get better.

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