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Infernos raged, grounds rumbled, and winds cut like blades when they arrived. Earth and all her creatures were taken aback, screaming and crying out in a frenzy at their arrival. Their harsh machinery dug into the soft land and rooted deep, signaling their perpetual poisonous influence from that point forward.

"Ssh..."  he soothed a fellow tribeswoman. The woman crumpled to the ground, a hand covering her face to suppress her agonized cries. Crocodile tears rolled down her cheeks as her face contorted into an expression of utter despair. He knelt with her while cradling her in his arms, attempting to calm the poor woman."It's all gonna be fine."  

As much as he - Jake Sully - desired for that to be true, the son of the tribe leader was absolutely dumbstruck. Who were these Sky Creatures in their strange machines? Why did they come to his planet? What the hell did they want?!?

The pair watched as their fellow clan members fled away from the wretched scene, loved ones in hand. The portal to the strange machine opened, and that was when they first caught a glimpse of them.

The creatures seemed to be twice their size, their skin a pure azure and their eyes a molten amber. They were humanoid in anatomy, yet they possessed catlike ears and a tail. As they approached closer, Jake noticed that they had four digits, instead of five, on their hands. They were dressed in monotonous garments that covered practically all of their bodies. Around their waists hung a small pack, connected to some sort of tube and mouth-covering device. One of the aliens brought the device up to their mouths and inhaled. Other copied this motion, breathing  whatever was in the pack and mixing it with Earth air. They toted what seemed like millions upon millions of metal contraptions, ones that Jake could never have conjured up in his wildest dreams. 

"Rrr...."  Jake caught a faint growl from some animal in the aliens' nearby vicinity. Before he turned his head, he immediately knew what it was. A female gray wolf. They were protective and fearless creatures, especially when guarding their young, and Jake knew she wouldn't back down without a fight. Seeming to read his mind, one of the aliens lifted a contraption at their waist, releasing a loud popping sound. The wolf fell to the ground, blood seeping out from underneath her beautiful silver fur. 

"Noooooooo!!!"  His people screamed in horror. She had been innocent!  A mother simply desiring to protect her young from these invaders! And what had she received in return?  Violence. These aliens had to pay for such an act!!

"Set nga kame." [Now you see.] Jake turned his head. A male alien, one of the taller ones, was staring right at him.


"Set nga kame 'upe fay tsun si."  [Now you see what these can do.] The outsider elaborated, as if the human in front of him could decipher his code.

"I-I don't understand you."

The alien simply gestured to the contraption in his hand. Perhaps that would convey his point.

"Please."  Jake hated begging these villains, he hated seeming weak in front of them. "Please stop this madness." He waved his hand wildly to show his distress. "We just want to live happily."

The alien leaned down to Jake's height, meeting his gaze. He seemed to consider the human man for a moment, before straightening to his full height and turning on his heel. His comrades began to snicker at the apparently "pathetic" humans in front of them.

"Pehrr fay 'Rrtatuten nume tsa'u awnga rä'ä ftang?"  The male called out to his group. Jake could gather from his tone that it was a question, however, he could have sworn he caught some amusement. He turned to his people with a look of bewilderment and fear.

"What the hell does that mean?" He exclaimed, calling out to the horde. The group of aliens ignored him, re-entering their ship, no doubt gathering their "inventions" to inflict more hosts of horrors on Earth's children.

[When will these Earth People learn that we do not stop?]

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23 ⏰

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