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Song: Maine - Hey, Nothing

Before you knew it the seasons were changing again, the cold of winter came and fleeted fast with the sun's return. It's been about two months since your first trip to Pelican Town. You felt stuck again, not knowing how to bring it up to your parents that Grandpa left the deed of the old land to you and not to them. You found yourself sneaking away in the middle of the night to roam the abandoned farm and fantasizing about what your life could be if you just took the steps to go through with it. Running it over a million times in your head if it was worth the time and effort. You found your these tangents always circled back to an optimistic point of view. It can't be any worse than where I'm at now.
Wanting to avoid the inevitable awkward conversation with your parents, you discussed the situation with June and your younger sister. Both said you'd be a fool if you didn't go through with it. After deliberate planning, you had the conversation with your parents, who were surprisingly fully supportive, especially your dad. They were happy the land was being kept in the family and that you had a plan. You spent every waking second and late-night walk mulling over how this would feasibly work. Thankfully you've been smart with your money and had a decent amount saved in efforts to move out of your parent's home. You decided to sell your car, being that the town didn't have any driveable roads.  You have enough to last a few months until you can make an income on the farm, something you've been researching intensely. Planning on spending time focusing on your art, music, as well as the crops you were hoping to sell. Excitement vibrated in your bones, ready to embrace this new life paved for you. It was nearly spring again, the snow was melting off the mountaintops that separated old from the new and unknown. You were over the moon and growing increasingly anxious your mind constantly bringing up all the what-ifs it could think of, but you were ready to take the risk no matter the cost. You are tired of your old life drained and overwhelmed by the constant buzz of the city even if it doesn't work out this experience will be sure to teach you more than you've ever experienced in your drab, insignificant life.

You've been in contact with the mayor of the small town, Lewis. He said he had made all the necessary arrangements for the move and everything would be ready whenever you were. He sounded genuine over the phone, talking up your Grandpa and how much the valley has lost since his passing. He was sure your presence would be a beneficial change for the small town. You decided to pack light. Besides the few things that were sentimental to you, and the necessities you were ready to leave everything behind. You spent the last night with your family watching movies and having dinner together. Something you haven't done in years. It felt nice getting a chance to reconnect in this way after years of static, You can't deny you're going to miss it, even if it wasn't a common occurrence.
You left early the next morning your family drove you to the central bus station in the center of the city. When you checked their website Pelican Town was listed as one of the stops, however, you were unsure since the website looked pretty outdated. You called ahead about a week ago anxiously, wanting to be sure you would reach your destination. "Oh gosh, we haven't stopped there in years. There hasn't been a need to. It's on the normal route though so it shouldn't be an issue! I'll let the driver know."
You share hugs and tears with your family before they wave you off. You hear your sister yell "Good luck! Don't forget about us!" as you disappear onto the bus. You find a seat in the back and pop your headphones in. You take in how everything differed from your late-night drives. The passing city looked dull and grey in the daylight but still had an overwhelming glow caused by the lights and smog. Your eyes turn forward gazing at the mountains ahead of you, The bright green of the trees in the approaching distance contrasting with magnificent purple land masses. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, a sigh of relief. You realized how much faster the drive seemed during the day, the sun was shining bright, the dew on the trees glimmering from the freshly melted snow. The bus comes to a halt, and you're the only one to stand, grabbing your things you make your way to the front of the bus. You thank the driver and hand the man a tip. He looked like he didn't know what to do with it, making you feel kind of guilty. "Thank you, I know this is an abnormal stop for you. Have a great day!" You say hopping off the bus. As the bus travels off into the tunnel you take in the soft chirps of the birds, and how good the sun feels on your skin in contrast to the cool crisp air. You noticed a woman walking around the corner towards you. She was a middle-aged woman with bright red hair done up in a ponytail at the top of her head, her eyes a deep green like the trees that surrounded you.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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