Let It Once Be Me (2/2)

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Note: So I had some people ask for a part two, and I didn't really know what to write. I thought about it for a while and came up with this. As always, I hope you enjoy :)

She glanced down at her phone again, waiting for a notification to pop up. Looking back up into the mirror of the bathroom, she brushed through her hair one more time before going into the adjoining bedroom. It was late in the evening, and he was set to fly in from Cannes, where he had been attending an event with his brother.

She was waiting rather impatiently to get the text that he landed at the airport and was on his way to the home she had been staying at in London. She was itching to see him, practically crawling out of her skin. The daily Facetime calls weren't cutting it anymore; she needed to feel his body, breathe in his scent. When did I become so desperate? Then, she corrected herself. You're not desperate. You're just in love.

She still couldn't wrap her mind around that. In love. More in love than she had ever been before, something she hadn't thought was possible this time the year prior. Everything between them was so intense, so fast, and so unexpected. While her initial promise to herself was to take things slow, their relationship had progressed rather quickly. But the progression was so natural that it felt right. Their days together turned into weeks, those weeks into months, and before she knew it, it had been nearly a year, ten months exactly, since they had gotten together.

For a moment, she let herself think about the past ten months, and her heart twinged. I miss him. She had brushes with codependency before, but upon having her trust taken advantage of so often, she tried not to let herself get in too deep. But that was almost impossible with him. He had changed her life, changed her, in immeasurable ways. And for the first time in a very long time, she allowed herself to feel emotions that she once tried to cut off.

She sat down with him one night many months ago, after a few glasses of wine had loosened her lips, and told him the full story of what went down before he met her. She spared no detail, even though there were some parts that were embarrassing, some things that were clouded in a mist of shame. There were times where she wasn't proud of herself, but honestly, she didn't feel like herself then. He listened, never interrupted her, never showed anything on his face but complete devotion.

And when she finished, halfway to tears and clutching the stem of her glass so hard she feared it might shatter, he said, "I am so sorry you went through all that." And then she'd broken down, tears running down her face. She wasn't sad, no. She was comforted. He wasn't disgusted by her. He didn't judge her. He understood and told her what she needed to hear. Her wine glass was taken out of her hand, and then she was in his arms. "I know another promise maybe isn't what you need right now, but you will never hurt like that ever again. I'll make sure of it."

In the beginning, there were times she waited with bated breath for the other shoe to drop, prepared for the onslaught of pain that came with the failure of another relationship that she had given all of herself to. But with him, it never came. With time, she learned to stop anticipating something that would likely never happen. He made her immensely happy, made her appreciate life in new ways, made her love the world around her now that she could look at it through a new lens.

Her phone pinged loudly, and she felt like jumping twenty feet into the air. He was finally on his way. Her body felt the rush of relief because in just some mere minutes, he would be back by her side. Hustling into the living room, she paced the floor so much she thought a hole would wear into the hardwood. She laughed, thinking about the first time she waited for him like this, anxious in her New York apartment. Look at how far we've come.

Then, she heard a knock on the door, and she was off running. Her feet carried her in long strides until she wrenched it open and saw him standing on the stoop. Her squeal echoed throughout the entryway, her arms wrapped around him, and he gripped her so tightly her feet came off the ground. He took two big steps forward and suddenly they were in the house, the door shut behind them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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