01. The Origin of Everything

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Clomp, clomp clomp clomp...

Accompanied by the rhythmic footsteps, the sound of armor clanking echoed in the air. Seven adventurers, each wielding different weapons, were filled with excitement, their every word and movement reflecting the steadiness gained from long-term experiences.

"The wine we had last night was amazing! Let's drink to our hearts' content today as well!" "Idiot, you can't hold your liquor at all. You'll be the first to pass out on the table!" "That waitress was the finest wine of all. Ah, what a pity! If it weren't for you guys making a ruckus, she'd already be in my arms!" "Hey, hey! You just used the wrong approach! This time we scored big. The captain will definitely give us more money than yesterday! You could try buying her with that!" "Heh heh, leave it to the handsome guy... Ugh, oh no!" "Someone's already puking!" What a bunch of drunkards.

"Seventh time now." Watching these people leave, I silently attached bait to my fishing rod and cast it into the lake in front of me.

"Alright, come on and get caught, tonight's dinner." Grasping the fishing rod with my right hand, I leaned against the stone beside me, emptying my mind and aimlessly gazing at the clear lake.

A warm breeze brushed against my cheek like a feather, while the rustling of leaves from the trees behind created a soothing sound, all of which had a magical way of relieving tension.

Though I didn't have any significant stress to begin with, I still enjoyed this tranquility.

"Ah, so idle, so truly idle. I wish this peace could last forever."

"Are you Shiyu?"

A sharp, abrupt voice pierced my ears. Just as I decided to pretend not to hear it, the voice repeated, even more piercingly.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!"

Ignoring, ignoring.

Pitter-patter, pitter-patter.

The owner of the voice wouldn't let me off, rushing straight in front of me and deliberately pushing her unhappy face into my line of sight.

Her soft breath hit the tip of my nose.

Cute, delicate pink lips looked as appetizing as peaches, although the stubborn and assertive eyes gave her an unexpectedly immature appearance.

I noticed through the corner of my eye her simple and clean attire... Wait, were those patches?

Upon closer inspection, her clothes had several spots that had been patched up with fabric.

Who is she?

"Hehe, little sister, you're so cute. Can we get to know each other?"

"Huh? That's your opening line? Are you nuts?"

As she spat out her sharp, no, fiery words, her saliva sprayed onto my face.

"That's so rude."

"So, are you Shiyu?"


She immediately looked alarmed, pulling a letter from a small bag at her waist and showing it to me.

"The person on this letter is definitely you!"

At the top of the paper were a few lines of text, with a familiar face printed at the bottom.

It was the same face I saw every day when I washed in the lake.

"No, you've got the wrong person."

Seeing me continue to deny it, she narrowed her eyes in displeasure, followed by a brief silence.

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