08. The Guild

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Passing through bustling streets filled with merchants loudly advertising their wares, and traversing several stone-paved walkways lined with shops selling exquisite goods and potions, I finally arrived at a wide, clear path surrounded by neatly trimmed grass.

At the end of this rarely traveled road stood a towering three-story building resembling a noble's residence. Each floor and every room was distinctly demarcated and uniquely designed, yet the overall structure retained a sense of grandeur and splendor. It was a masterpiece of geometric art, showcasing visual hierarchy to its fullest extent.

The entrance featured a two-story-high double door. Just standing at the entrance, I could clearly hear the clamor inside through the open doorway—it was the guild.

Guilds are public institutions established in different countries and villages around the world. Although they are public entities, they differ from patrol squads that conduct investigations and arrests. Instead, guilds specialize in providing adventurer information, handling "commissions," and addressing adventurer-related issues.

Schools often mimic the functions of guilds to train students, with the primary goal being to prepare students for everything that the guilds offer. In other words, the guild is the true domain of adventurers.

"What on earth is that guy doing here?" I wondered, watching Mi Hua walk inside. I quickly hid by one of the windows outside, pretending to be a serene and elegant gentleman quietly observing the situation within.

"Hey, look, there's a beggar in front of the guild." "Seriously, why choose the guild to beg?" "Could it be another drunken adventurer?"

Passersby from a distance cast disdainful glances at me, whispering just loud enough for their words to reach my ears.

"Oh, a young and beautiful girl has arrived!" The boisterous hall inside suddenly fell silent, replaced by excited cheers and whistles, making me abandon the idea of responding to the murmurs outside. Instead, I focused on listening through the window and peering inside.

The entire hall held about three groups of adventurers, each member holding a mug of frothy, cold beer. Their flushed faces and half-closed eyes indicated that they had already consumed several pints, and it wouldn't be surprising if they collapsed onto the tables in a drunken stupor at any moment.

These people, who seemed to be here solely to drink, wore tattered clothes, yet their silver armor looked pristine and undamaged. Their long swords, though showing signs of age, were well-maintained and repaired, with every nick and scratch meticulously filled and polished. Despite not looking as new and complete as unused weapons, their sharpness likely rivaled that of any brand-new blade.

Although they appeared poor and shabby, they were more than willing to spend on maintaining their battle gear. The stench of alcohol wafted through the window even to me, yet every movement they made exuded a sense of experience and steadiness—an atmosphere that couldn't be found within the confines of a school.

"I-I am Mi Hua, scheduled to apply for a team position today!" Her voice was filled with nervousness yet carried a high pitch.

"Heh, not bad! You've come to the right team!" "You dream of becoming an adventurer too, right? Good for you! I see great potential in you!"

Listening to the praise from these "real adventurers," Mi Hua wore a smile I'd never seen before.

"Yes! I have much to learn and hope to receive your guidance!" The adventurers exchanged glances and offered their insights.

"Guidance? The answer is effort." "Yes, continuous effort." "Indeed, effort to keep getting stronger, building a body that can withstand the power of monsters." "And most importantly, keep the spirit of adventure alive!"

Hearing the expected answers, Mi Hua's smile grew even brighter.

"Ah, I knew it was like this!" "You're quite the odd one, young lady. Isn't this the obvious answer? You'll surely make it." "Yes, yes, effort is the key to everything. Without effort, how can you become an adventurer?" "Haha, good luck, young lady! We all have high hopes for you." "Seeing her so happy, she must really want to be an adventurer like us!"

Mi Hua responded enthusiastically, "Yes, I want to be a hero like you all!"

"Hahaha! She called us heroes!" "We are heroes! Today, we hunted the Giant Monitor Lizard!" "Yes, we are heroes. We defeated the famous monster of the Vanishing Woods—the Giant Monitor Lizard!"

Amidst their self-praise, Mi Hua's admiration grew more evident, her eyes sparkling as she looked at these "great and mighty real adventurers."

Thud, thud. The conversation was interrupted by the sound of heavy footsteps as a burly man approached Mi Hua. His face bore a serious expression and a large scar, a testament to a fierce battle with some colossal beast. Though the skin had healed, the scar remained a striking wound.

"So, you're the girl here for the adventurer interview today?" "Who are you?" Mi Hua asked nervously. "Ah, my apologies. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm the leader of these adventurers. Do you know why we can leisurely drink here?" "I'm not sure." "Because today, we defeated the Giant Monitor Lizard! We've earned enough money to relax here for several days!"

He dramatically placed a bag of gold coins on the table, lifting his hands triumphantly.

"The thrill and sense of accomplishment from defeating a powerful monster, there's no better way to celebrate than coming to the guild to drink and party! This is the adventurer's life!"

"Well said, captain! This is what it means to be an adventurer!" "I take pride in being an adventurer!" "You're absolutely right, captain! Hahaha!" "Yes, we are heroes, we are adventurers!"

The scarred man nodded in satisfaction at his comrades' reactions before turning back to Mi Hua, who was nearly speechless.

"Although we're poor adventurers, we have spirit. Honestly, this bag of gold isn't enough to sustain us, but it represents our victory over the Giant Monitor Lizard. It's our achievement and our experience to venture into deeper regions."

"Doesn't that mean going to more dangerous places? Effort is to become stronger to face greater dangers?"

The scarred man replied with a confident, hearty laugh, "Isn't that what being an adventurer is all about?"

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