05. Observation

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"Hey, can your sword really be used?"

"Of course it can."

We had been walking along the path out of the village for nearly two hours before we finally reached a small forest nearby. During this time, I kept glancing at the rough, worn scabbard hanging from her waist. The scabbard was unadorned and unmaintained, with several cracks spreading like spider webs upon closer inspection.

"From its appearance, it might break after just one use."

"I spent quite a bit of money on this second-hand weapon. Don't criticize it."

"Why did you buy a weapon that's the wrong size for you?"

Everyone has their preferred sword length, but Rice Flower's sword was at least half the height of an adult, more suited to a tall, burly man.

"Who says? I think this size is perfect for me."

"No, it's almost dragging on the ground. How is that suitable?"

"This way, it helps me train."

"Sigh, I went home specifically to get this weapon, but we haven't found anything so far. I feel like taking a nap."


Rice Flower raised her hand to stop my complaints and gently parted the grass to give us a clear view ahead.

A few meters in front of us, just past the edge of the forest, was a green meadow with interspersed tall weeds.


Two enormous black bears, each at least twice the height of an adult, appeared on the meadow. Even with their dark coloration, the powerful, muscular lines of their bodies were clearly visible. Their swinging paws, with claws sharp enough to cause pain just by looking at them, glittered menacingly in the sunlight. A mere swipe from those claws could tear any prey apart.

At that moment, the two black bears were not on all fours but standing on their hind legs, ready and alert, their eyes fixed on their only prey—Orange.

Orange's two attendants stood leisurely behind her, unbothered by the bears' heavy roars. Holding a steel sword in her right hand, Orange faced the two towering animals alone.

"They're here hunting too?"



Without any fear of the bears' strength or size, Orange took the initiative and charged forward.

Roar! Roar!

The black bears responded by swinging their claws fiercely.


Orange anticipated the trajectory of one bear's paw and shifted her weight slightly.


She dodged the attack, letting the displaced air hit her, then quickly swung her sword at the bear's abdomen with confident precision.


The sound of muscle and ribs breaking echoed as hot liquid flowed from the wound. Seeing its companion injured, the other bear's attacks became even fiercer and more powerful.


As if anticipating this, Orange turned and swung her sword to deflect the bear's paw. She then stepped on the bear's arm and thrust her sword into the bear's head, piercing through its skull and deep into its brain.

The massive creature fell instantly.


The other bear, its eyes bloodshot from its companion's injury and its own abdominal wound, charged straight at Orange.

"Your attacks are too predictable."

Pulling her sword out of the first bear's head, the blade dripping with blood, Orange turned and thrust the sword into the charging bear's head with pinpoint accuracy.

Thud, crash!

In under a minute, she had felled two powerful and agile black bears.

"Well done, Orange."

"Great, this ensures we can all graduate."

Listening to her companions' words, Orange nodded with a gentle smile.

"Let's hurry back."


"It's all thanks to Orange that we can graduate so easily!"

They quickly wiped their swords and dragged the black bears away. Only when their figures had completely disappeared and their voices could no longer be heard did Rice Flower sigh from our hiding spot.

"Why are you sighing?"

"Orange is really strong."

"I can see that, and..."

Her movements were so fluid, with no need to think, reacting exactly as if she anticipated everything—almost like she had the ability to see through her opponent's moves. It was a realm of its own. It wasn't just a matter of being able to detect the surroundings; it seemed like she could receive information faster than her sight or senses. She was a natural adventurer.

"And what?"

"Nothing, just thinking she's really strong."


Watching Rice Flower's contemplative side profile, a question suddenly came to mind.

"Since you knew each other from childhood, why didn't you team up? Or did those two attendants know her before you?"

"As far as I know, they only met in school."

"That's strange. Are you not on good terms?"

"We used to be very close, but at some point, we stopped being like we were before."


Rice Flower frowned, then shook her head.

"I'd like to know that too."

Over time, some relationships naturally change. Was it the same for these two?

"By the way—"

"Shh! Something's moving."

Did she have to smack me on the head?

Grunt, grunt, grunt.

After a few seconds of silence, a boar with two tusks and sharp bristles came sniffing around, drawn by the scent of the black bears' blood. It rustled through the grass, eagerly munching on the leftover remains. The creature was large enough to be almost as tall as an adult on all fours.

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