A Gift

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Ash  opened her hand and got amazed . It was a heart shaped necklace.  The chain is of Rose Gold color . The heart shaped thing contains a photo.. 

Ash :- What's inside it.....

Jungkook :- Just open it....

When she opened it contains her  and her Mother's photo on one side and on other side it was written in Calligraphy "Mom's Daughter"...

When she opened it contains her  and her Mother's photo on one side and on other side it was written in Calligraphy "Mom's Daughter"

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 She was getting overwhelmed by everything which is happening around...

Jungkook :- Do you Like It ??

Ash :- No ..... I Love it.. Thankyou...

Jungkook :- Shall I ..

Ash nodded her head.. Jungkook take it and help her to wear it . 

Ash :- Why are You giving me this so suddenly.. Any specific reason ??

Jungkook :- Because ... Umm You want to take your Mom's blessing before your Revenge so I am  giving this as her blessing...

Ash :- Thank you and This is very thoughtful of you... 

Jungkook handed her another piece of paper which is an Envelope tied up with Red Ribbon..

Ash :- Now what ? What's with this ...

She started unpacking the Envelope.

Jungkook :- Wait there only!! This is the Letter from My side.. Please don't open it right now.. Just open it When You Fell Like You  Are Alone Or Feeling Restless Or Helpless..

Ash :- OOO.. Ok so what's inside the letter so                                                                                  Jungkook :- Dumbo of course its a letter so it  will contain  a  Special  Message from my side nah.. Pls open it When You Need  Me And I Am Not There For You..

Ash :- Aish ... Don't  say like that.. You will always be there for me and Me for You.. If you aren't , You Are Still There In My Heart..

Ash gestured her palm and put on her left side where Heart present.

Jungkook :- Aww From where you learn these Cheesy Lines huh..

Ash : -  I am serious and I already knew it but never used..

Jungkook chuckled after seeing her flipping her hair in Style..

To be continued ...
Author's Note
Next chapter will upload when this chapter will get
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Guys I have write a big chapter

Guys next chapter will contain there past and how Jungkook knew about Ash.

So Stay tune Sweeties
Enjoy Reading

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