Music Project.

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Listen to Selfish by Justin Timberlake and Oops,I did it again by Brittany Spears for this chapter.

Y/n's POV:

I walk into class and notice that Ms. Kennedy is not here as yet,as well as a few students. "Thank goodness,I'm early!" I mumble to myself. I walk over to my seat and noticed Jake isn't here either. 'Huh,and he claims to be better than me! Pathetic.' I think,looking at his seat and smirking.

I plop my bottom on my chair,as I put my headphones on,and start to play some music. I play a game on my phone,and when I look up,I see Jake walking over to his seat,keeping eye contact with me,until he sits down.

I look back at my phone,completely ignoring the man next to me. I look up again,and notice that Ms. Kennedy is here. I stop the music,and take my headphones off to listen to her. "Morning class!" She greets us,with a sweet smile. "Good morning,Ms. Kennedy!!" We greet back in unison. "Alright,there has been a change of periods. For period 1,you guys are going to have music first." I nod,taking in all the information,until the bell rings. "Okay,everyone! You are dismissed." Ms. Kennedy says,clapping her hands together,as we all exit the class. I walk to my locker,to keep my back pack and headphones in it.

I walk into the music class,and spot a familiar figure,chatting to,who seems to be Jake. "Wait a moment,is that...Chan talking to Jake? Seriously?!" I muttered,under my breath,as my eyes widen,in shock. 'What in the holy supply of London's famous tea,is going on here!?'  I think. I decide to walk over to the two gentlemen. "Jake." I greet,with a nod and a cold glare at the man. "Y/n." He returns,the same amount of attitude. "Chan." I give him a generous smile,as he tries to comprehend the nickname I gave him. "Nice to see you again,Y/n." He says,with a teethy smile. "Likewise." I answer. "Hold on,now. You two...know each other?" We nod at the same time. "Interesting..." Jake says,nodding his head slowly.

"Alrighty,everybody. Settle down!" The teather walks in and stands in the middle of the class. "Good morning,my name is Mr. Peterson. I am your music teacher for the year.' He says,looking around the class. "Shall we begin?" He rhetorically asks.

"This Semester,you will be grouped in pairs of two,where you will have to present a song or dance of any genre with the use of an instrument. Example,I am singing or dancing,and my partner will be playing the instrument,got it?" We all mumble small yeses,under our breaths. "This is due next week,Friday. You may pick your partners." I stare at Bangchan,and notice,he was looking at me too. I smile and walk over to him, "Partner?" I ask,with my hand extended out. He chuckles a bit,before shaking it, "Partner." We smile at each other,and start working on the project.


It's lunch break,and this time,I'm not sitting alone,but with Chan! We are laughing and giggling,but I have a strange feeling someone's staring at us. I turn around to find out,who it is,when I see Jake glaring at me and Chan, 'What's bugging him?' I think,still looking at him,until I turn back to face Chan.

"Everything alright?" Chan asks me,looking at me with worried eyes. "Yes,everything is great!" I lie,I don't want to cause any trouble,so I decide on keeping it to myself. "Okay. I wanted to ask,where we could meet up to practice more for the music project?" I think for a minute. "Mh...maybe we could ask Mr. Peterson,to let us use the music room,after classes to practise?" I suggest,sipping on my juice box,while staring at Chan, 'He has beautiful eyes.' I think,still staring at him,and him,also staring back.

He breaks the eye contact, "Uhm,I think you might be on to something. I'll go ask him after classes,and I would call you,but problem is,I don't have your number..." He trails off. I laugh at his attempt to ask for my number. "You know,you could have just asked?" I tell him,shrugging my shoulders. I reach out for his phone,as he hands it to me. I type in my number and save it. "Here. Call me when you have gotten an answer from him." Chan nods,as he smiles at his phone.


As the bell rings for us to leave,I slowly walk up to my dorm room. I unlock it and enter. As I enter and lock it,I notice someone,sitting on my couch. I scream as loud as I possibly,can. I watch as the figure turns around slowly. "Jake?! What the actual fuck,are you doing,in my room?! How did you even get in here?!" I bombard the young lad,with a paragraph of questions,which I prefer,to be answered. "Shhh! You're making noise." He says,lifting his finger to his lips. I lower my voice, "Okay then,can you enlighten me on why you are in my room,and how you got in,and how you even knew,where it was!?" I ask the boy,as his hands,slide into his Jean pockets. "Okay,I'll explain. I have a spare key to your room. I followed you last night,so that how I knew where your dorm room was." I slap my forehead so hard,it probably turned red!

"Holy fuck,this boy is a lunatic!!" I mumble,but loud enough for him to hear. "Hey! I heard that." I side glare him,before pacing around a bit. "Then tell me,why are you in my room?" He seems hesitant, "Jake!" I shout, "Okay,okay. I came to warn you about Bang Chan. He's a player." I furrow my eyebrows, "And you couldn't tell me this in class,for what reason?" I ask the boy,with a frown,indicating my frustration. "I know you wouldn't talk or even listen to me." He said,looking at his feet. I sigh, "Look,I don't know why you care so much,if I talk to Bang Chan. I know he wouldn't play me. So if you would excuse me,I need to get ready for the music practise. You should too." I say to him,walking to the door,and opening it,for him to exit. "See you tomorrow in class. And don't say,I didn't warn you." He says,before walking out. I roll my eyes and slam the door shut.

I sit on my couch,thinking about what Jake told me. "It's not true. It can't be...right?" I wonder to myself. I shake the thought off,when I hear my phone ring.

"Hello?" I speak into the phone. "Hey Y/n,it's Chan." I smile and jump off the couch. "Hey! What did Mr. Peterson say?" I ask,completely forgetting about what Jake had said. "He said he's fine with it. Come down to the music room so we can practice!" He says. "Okay,I'll be down in a minute." I say,putting in my shoes. "Alright,see you in a bit!" He says,before dropping the call.

I walk out my door and make sure to lock. "I need to get that spare key from that badstard." I curse at Jake,as I walk down the stairs,to the music room.


Hello parkiesss!!✨🦋 Chapter 3,coming your way. 1327 words this time! Plz read and leave a few votes for me🥺 BYEEE✨😃




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