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Juniper was lucky enough to have recovered quickly despite being shot in two places but she didn't let that stop her from working as she was now sat at desk duty which isn't all that bad but still having slight pains in her right shoulder which obviously wasn't easy when she had to use her right hand.

She wanted to do more to that Captain Anderson so absolutely not just in case her shoulder caused the girl more pain. So now the brunette is just stuck behind a desk when people come into the station for help.

Juniper has a scheduled appointment for her shoulder again today and she is taken to a room quickly for her check-up, she still has round about 35-ish minutes before she has to head back....to doing desk work, which she finds boring in her case but she has to get used to it as her shoulder heals

Juniper's POV:

I just walked to Tim's hospital door and knocked on it quite roughly because in honest reality I didn't care how loud I knocked on his door, I just entered his room

"Sir, you doing alright" I say as the word 'sir' rolled off my tongue with boredom as I raised an eyebrow at him, suppressing my smirk

"Don't sir me Juniper Amara" He replied with a snappy tone to which the girl shrugged

"I wont sir you unless you don't call me by first and middle name it's kinda fucking weird" I responded back and he rolled his eyes at me, how classic of him

"Nevermind that Juniper, when were you discharged?" Tim asked

"Two days ago." I said flatly as I sat on a chair near him

"Alright then how's your shoulder?" He asked again to which I scoffed

"What's up with the questions today, cant we just have a normal conversation like we used to.?" I stated as I leaned my chin onto my hand

"I'm questioning you just because I can. Besides when are you back on duty." Tim chimed with a expressionless look on his face

"I'm not back on until your back on." I say flatly as I looked at my phone and stood up

"Juna.. why did you risk helping me and get injured badly.. Why?" he questioned me softly as I turned to face him with a smirk as he buttoned his shirt up facing away from me

Just as I was about to answer a nurse walked in with a wheelchair

"checkout time, Officer" The nurse says.

"Yeah no. I'm walking out of here." He replied

"Hospital policy." The nurse insisted

"I don't care." Tim answered


Juniper gives the nurse a small smirk as the two girls are able to get him into a wheelchair

"So, who's picking you up?" The nurse asks as Juniper was busy checking up on her girlfriend who was currently in Brazil visiting her mom's side of the family with a soft smile on her face when messaging her

"A taxi." Bradford answers, quickly

"I can't take you because I came on my bike today, sir" Juna pipes up softly

"Damn right you wont, you've still got an half injured shoulder boot." He replied his usual mean tone

"I'll take a damn cab." Bradford decides

"Is that all we are too you?" Angela teases as she walks next to Talia and approached them

"Hey." He says, clearly annoyed

"You know its funny. He didn't tell us he was getting out. 'Cause he's a tough guy." Talia tells the nurse

"Who doesn't need anybody's help." Angela finished

"Are you two done?" Bradford asks, pissed off.

"Nope, Riley. Do me a favour please" Angela said as she tossed her phone to the Rookie who nodded, understanding what she meant and taking a photo of Angela, Talia and the nurse who was posing behind Bradford in the wheelchair. Who was glaring at his rookie and the camera.

Juniper follows Talia and Angela to their car and helps Bradford get in as the man glares at all three of them

"See you tomorrow sir" Juniper says as she suppressed her dying urge to smirk

"Nope, your coming with us get in" Angela spoke

"I brought my bike-" the girl frowned

"I can drive it to Tim's house, I still don't get how you drove here with your shoulder" Talia offered

Juna was about to say something else before getting a stare from Bradford

"Get in, boot. Listen to your superiors" Bradford ordered and Juniper finally gives in, sitting next to her T.O and hands Talia her keys and helmet.

"Chen got Wrigley, he abandons his rooks during lunch at a diner just around the corner, we'll go check up on her" Bradford says , standing up

Juniper just sighs softly and follows him to the diner and they walk inside

"Why the long face, boot?" Bradford asks, walking up to Lucy while Juniper is ordering takeout for Bradford

"Hey.. What are you doing here?" Lucy questioned, confused

"Heard you got Wrigley, he always dumps his rookies here while he goes home to eat mac and cheese in his undies." Bradford responds

"So, what? You came to check on me?" She asked, getting a bit hopeful

"I live around the corner. I was getting takeout." Bradford answers

"Right." Lucy nods, a little disappointed.

"So how's it going?" Bradford asked

"It's good, Officer Wrigley is um - Yeah, he's- he's cautious." Lucy explains

"He's what we call a slug, just doing his time, allergic to real police work" Bradford says

"Yeah. Yeah." Lucy says

"You must like the quiet, though" Bradford responds

Dispatch says on Lucy's radio "Wilshire units, store owner called with a suspected shoplifter. Caucasian male, yellow track suit. 314 Franklin Drive."

"That's three blocks from here, Boot." Bradford says

"What, a-am I supposed to respond? My T.O's not here and I don't have a car." Lucy asks, standing up

"You've got legs, don't you?" Bradford raises an eyebrow

Lucy nods and runs out of the restaurant.

"Run, boot! Run!" Bradford called out

"I'm back and I've got the food." Juna says, approaching Bradford handing him the takeout while putting some cash on the table for Lucy's meal

"Let's go, boot. I'm making you read ten books to me at home , so lets get going" Bradford smirks as he walks out the restaurant

"What?!" The girl exclaimed as she followed Bradford an annoyed look

Around five pm, Bradford drives Juna home and she thanks him with a darkened expression before getting out the car and walking up to her apartment and taking the elevator as she glares at Bradford and the doors closed, the elevator ascending up

Thankfully her apartment is quiet and calm as she enters and she takes a quick shower before eating a snack and going to her art studio to work on some painting with music in the background

A/N: Chapter done!! Ya so I'll js keep updating when I can luvs! Until I post again.... DONT BE A SILENT READERRRRRRRR

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