prologue 1 - Cloudsdale

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*drops from the ceiling dramatically * hello there this is my first story and also I like Appledash there may be some swear words but I will put a warning at the top of the chapters. OK? wait forgot I will put like a video or some music at the top you can play it while reading and maybe I will add character designs!

Author out ✌ ADIOS

(third-person POV)

The usually clear and serene sky had darkened shrouding Equestria in the stormy clouds. In Cloudsdale the weather ponies looked in confusion 'Why had these clouds turned up?'. Within a few minutes, the head of the weather factory had gathered its workers briefing them about the clouds.

" These clouds seem to be more molecularly dense than normal clouds. It is much more molecularly dense. How are they in the sky? I do not know. But I need you lot to get rid of them and get a sample of the clouds for our scientists to study them. Now get your goggles on this is going to be one hell of a storm."

The weather ponies nodded. This was not unusual to gather samples of clouds, hell they could probably do the job in their sleep, but these clouds-they just gave an ominous and eerie aura almost like they were there to signal something...? The Head of the weather factory shook the feeling away as he watched his employees ready for takeoff. In one swift motion, the weather workers lifted off and out of the door, the steady beating of wings and the sound of the heavy wind and rain could be heard from the skies.

The Pegasi flew into the clouds. As soon as they entered their vision was cut off by the darkness. It was almost like the clouds were trapping them in a void of nothing. Suddenly a pained shout could be heard as the crackle of electricity surged through the pony sending them spiraling to the town below them as smoke trailed after them.

"FLUTTERSHY! GUYS WE HAVE A PEGASUS DOWN!"     A frantic shout was heard before the other Pegasi saw a blur of another figure diving from the clouds wings against their body to help contain the momentum. The other Pegasi looked away as the two figures fell closer and closer to the ground fearing for the two lives. They braced for the sound of two dull thuds but they never heard them...

they looked down to see the young Pegasus carrying the unconscious body on their back. Slowly the two returned to the weather factory where the medics assessed them. they gave the all clear to the rainbow-maned Pegasus mare whilst they carried the injured yellow Pegasus mare on a stretcher. The head of the weather factory-(Stormy Oak) walked towards the rainbow-maned mare. 

He coughed before he spoke his tone stern but gentle "Rainbow Dash..." he let out a sigh  " you cant do that. You could get yourself killed, I know how you feel. It's that urge to stand apart from the crowd. I know how much Fluttershy means to you- her being one of your only friends (this isn't a flutterdash story sorry) but if I lost both of you today I don't know what I would live for. You two are like children to me. Believe me if I was out there today I would have done the same but just- I'm proud of you. You did something few would ever think of doing, hell let alone do and I'm proud of you." Stormy Oak placed his wing on Rainbow's back comforting her.

"I...I know but I HAD to do something. I couldn't let my best friend die. She is like a sister to me and you know that. Its been a long day did you get a sample from those clouds?" Rainbow Dash said standing up and looking at Stormy Oak.

The male Pegasus shook his head " I'm sorry R-D but this situation its confidential now. I cant tell anyone about it, OK?" He turned around looking at the clouds which had blocked Celestia's sunset. A thought trailed through his head 'It can't really be the start of a war, could it?'

*falls from the ceiling after fixing some lights* THATS BETTER


THIS IS Midorkia signing off for this chapter


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