prologue-2 the castle

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'Hey there, it's the author. I'm hoping you'll enjoy this chapter. By the way, to clarify - I DON'T OWN MY LITTLE PONY.' (floats into the ceiling most likely causing chaos but whatever)

Celestia paced back and forth, her countenance betraying concern. The letter, once opened, lay discarded on the floor. Numerous grave thoughts pervaded her mind. "War? This must be prevented at all costs," she ruminated. As the leader of the changelings, Chrysalis was involved in a conflict with the ponies and their evil changelings. Twilight and her friends played a pivotal role in resolving the animosity, despite facing numerous attacks from Chrysalis, but alas they never could solve the conflict.

"Security personnel, please escort Princess Twilight and any accompanying friends to this location. Additionally, kindly dispatch a letter to Discord," the Princess stated as she maintained her pace within the confines of the throne room.

Upon Princess Twilight's entrance into the room, her companions, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash, accompanied her. Princess Twilight, wearing a solemn expression, had not initially intended to disclose the impending war to her friends; however, she recognized the impossibility of maintaining this information as a secret due to the fact that some of them would need to fight on the front line.

"Twilight, have you informed your friends about the imminent war? They must be aware of the situation." When Celestia looked at her loyal student, she understood that the impending news would profoundly impact Twilight and her friends. Nevertheless, she recognized the importance of informing and preparing them, particularly two of Twilight's closest companions.

"I haven't informed them yet. I have been uncertain about the best way to do so." the lavender Alicorn replied looking back at her friends. They looked at her confused but waited for Celestia to speak.

"Regrettably, I must inform you of a matter of utmost confidentiality. Equestria is preparing for war, and it is with great reluctance that I must request the involvement of Applejack, Apple, and Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash, renowned for her exceptional speed as a member of the Wonderbolts, is required to join her squadron under the leadership of Spitfire, with departure scheduled in a week's time. In addition, Applejack, recognized for her strength, is required to serve as a foot soldier and will depart alongside her squadron within the same timeframe. Rest assured, every effort will be made to keep their families informed and provide updates on their well-being."

The two ponies in question regarded the princess with evident bewilderment. A protracted silence ensued before Rainbow Dash respectfully inquired, "Princess, do the other Wonderbolts and Spitfire have knowledge of this matter?"

Celestia acknowledged the discussion and concluded by stating, "It is advisable for both of you to report to your respective squadrons. Applejack, your assignment is at the Canterlot Military, while Rainbow Dash, yours is at the Wonderbolts barracks." The two individuals nodded in agreement before directing their attention to their peers. Despite their underlying anxiety, they bid a hasty farewell to their friends before being escorted to their respective squadrons.

(no one's POV this is just where Rainbow Dash is lmao)

Rainbow Dash gazed around the area, her eyes settling on the sight of her Wonderbolt squadron congregated near the entrance. The perplexed expressions adorning most faces indicated a sense of bewilderment, while a handful seemed visibly unsettled, betraying their nervousness. She noticed Blaze, Thunderlane and Surprise among them and she walked towards them. They greeted each other and expressed how they were feeling until the captain Spitfire and the co-captain Soarin arrived their expressions nervous and solemn.

Spitfire cleared her throat and addressed the members of Wonderbolt Division 1 with a request for their attention.

"We are going to war..."

*walks through door?! that's not right but neither is losing someone* this is chapter 2 

author out adios✌

* hugs twin to stop her crying*

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