Chapter 2

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Years passed and Felix had grown into a healthy young man, yet his penchant for laziness persisted much to the chagrin of his guardian. His room was a perpetual disaster, strewn with discarded clothes and half-read scrolls. Each dawn saw him reluctantly stirring from his bed.

Despite his slothful habits, Felix possessed a natural charm that endeared him to the villagers. His quick wit and easy laughter made him dear to the villagers. Not to mention the good looks, the village ladies and men fawned over.

"Hey, dirtface!"

Well, there was always one exception.

Adele, always the whirlwind of energy, bounded up to Felix. With her characteristic exuberance, she almost toppled him over.

“Felix! You’ve got to help me!” she exclaimed. "I just had the greatest of ideas!"
Felix, who was well acquainted with Adele's wild ideas, raised an eyebrow. “What is it this time? Another ghost hunting expedition? A quest to find Atlantis in your backyard?”

“No, no, it’s better than that!” Adele said, bouncing on the balls of her feet. “I want to become Fern’s assistant!”

Felix blinked, not entirely sure he’d heard her right. “You want to what?”

“Your guardian- The witch. I want to be her assistant,” she said, enunciating every word as if Felix might be hard of hearing. “Think about it, Felix! Spells, potions, magical mishaps – it’s the opportunity of a lifetime!”

Felix sighed, knowing he was already in over his head. “Do you have any idea what you’re asking for? She’s not running some magic circus. She’s a real witch, with real powers, and real dangers.”

“Exactly!” Adrenaline beamed, completely missing the point. “It’s the real deal! I can handle it, I swear.

"I’ve been reading up on magic. I know the basics.” She excitedly continued. "Look, I even brought my own broom!” She pulled out a battered old broomstick, probably borrowed from her kitchen closet.

"That's a stereotype." He deapanned.

That made her pause.

But she instantly recovered. "A-Anyways, when the time comes and you have grown into a magnificent, tall, and hopefully less sticky adult-" What was wrong with his figure? "-what grand and outrageous plan do you have for your life? Will you be taming dragons, ruling kingdoms, or simply trying to remember where you put your keys?"

He shrugged. "Doesn't sound too bad."

"Weren't you the one who always moaned about how boring his life is?"

He narrowed his eyes at her, "What is this conversation? Where has this sudden thought of the future come from?"

She waved her hand dismissively. "Oh, it wasn't sudden. It has been going on in my head for a few weeks. I just happened to find the perfect answer today."

"And that was to be a witch's assistant?"

"Yep." She affirmed with a popping 'p'. "Fern's assistant to be specific."

"Okay." He sighed. "Let's assume, for a second that I understand your train of thought. But why Fern?"

"She is the only witch I know, duh." Adele stated, as if it was common sense. "Plus she's awesome. She made that potion that removes sleep!"

"That's coffee, you dumbass." He said dryly. "It's just a plant, no magic involved."

"Oh." She looked dumbfounded. "Really?"

"Yes!" Felix said, getting more and more exasperated with the conversation. "For God's sake, your uncle's merchant guild deals in it!"

"I don't really have any interest in his business." She just shrugged.

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