Chapter 3

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Adele sat across the table from Fern, the room filled with the comforting aroma of herbal tea and the soft glow of candlelight. Fern regarded Adele with a blend of curiosity and amusement.

"So, Adele," Fern began, sipping her tea. "You wish to become my assistant. Tell me, what makes you think you have what it takes to manage the hardships of a witch’s life?"

Adele straightened up, her eyes shining with enthusiasm. "Oh, I've prepared a list of my qualifications and ideas!" She pulled out a scroll from her bag, unrolling it with a flourish. "First, I’m highly organized. I once sorted all the potions in Darla’s apothecary by colour, scent, and potential for accidental explosions."

Fern raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Accidental explosions, you say? Interesting choice."

"Well," Adele continued, undeterred, "it’s important to know which ones to avoid knocking over, right? Also, I have a knack for multitasking. I can stir a cauldron, answer the door, and arrange your books all at the same time."

Fern leaned back, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "Impressive. But being a witch’s assistant isn't just about managing tasks. It's about understanding the ebb and flow of magic, the subtleties of spellcraft, and, most importantly, dealing with unexpected surprises."

She nodded eagerly. "Yes, yes, I understand."

"How do you handle more mundane tasks? For instance, gathering ingredients, maintaining the garden, and ensuring the familiars are well cared for?"

Adele beamed. "I love gardening! I once grew a patch of mint so vibrant that it attracted a herd of unicorns, well they turn out to be just tegular horses, but they appreciated the efforts nonetheless. As for ingredients, I’ve got a sharp eye for details. I can tell the difference between dragon’s breath and regular old thyme at a glance. And familiars? I’m great with animals. I have our dog trained to fetch the mail."

Fern laughed. This girl barely knew any lick of magic. She couldn't even tell the difference between magical beasts and normal homestead, let alone a familiar. But, she sure had the spirits.

"You certainly have a way with words, Adele. But being my assistant would also mean dealing with the townsfolk, helping them with their various needs and sometimes, their complaints. How are you with people?"

Adele’s expression softened, her tone sincere. "I truly enjoy helping people, Lady Fern. I’ve always believed that a little kindness and a touch of magic can solve most problems. Plus, I have a knack for calming even the most nervous villagers. They say I have a reassuring presence."

Fern smiled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "You certainly have a certain charm about you, Adele. I must admit, your enthusiasm is contagious."

Adele leaned forward, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "So, does that mean I can be your assistant?"

Fern paused, letting the moment hang in the air. She glanced at her ward, who had been conviently laying on the nearest sofa, acting as if he engrossed in his book and not blatanly eavesdropping on their conversation. The book was also upside down.
A mischevious smile glinted on the witch’s face as she thought of the future possibilities.

Finally, she nodded. "Very well, Adele. We shall give it a try. But remember, being a witch’s assistant is a demanding role. It requires patience, dedication, and a sense of humor. Think you can handle it?"

Adele jumped up, practically bouncing with joy. "Absolutely! You won’t regret this, I promise! Can I please call you Master from now on?"

Fern chuckled, shrugging. "Sure."

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