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recognition, the identification of someone from previous knowledge
december 1975

FEW THINGS irked Adela Braun more than the grim feeling of colliding with a peer in the hallway, the metallic smell of spilled ink that would splatter all over her outfit, or worse, her bookbag and papers. To her, they marked ruins, and screamed reminders that nothing could be perfect.

Even with such a loathed pet peeve, she found herself internally chuckling at her own foolishness whenever this occurred. One would think that such a concept would allow herself to be more careful while in the corridor, but she often found herself in the same situation anyways. Generally, no one minded, really, but not today.

"Watch where you're going, will you?" A rather agitated tone came rippling from the owner's words. The boy looked up towards her gaze, his body language was daunting but held extreme composure, and his blue eyes remained cold even when flickering in recognition.

"Sorry, Crouch." Adela looked down with slight shame and shoved the contents of her copies of Magical Drafts and Potions and The Standard Book of Spells, Grade Four into her bag, attempting to walk past the taller boy. However she had only taken a few steps before she heard his voice calling her back.

"Have you done the Potions essay yet?" He asked, his head slightly tilted in mild curiosity.

Adela turned back and arched a brow, before remarking, "I was actually about to head to the library to do it now, before I oh so rudely bumped into you. Why? Do you want to come too?"

She knew he was not going to admit anything, especially now that he had practically asked to work on an essay with her. Everybody knew Barty Crouch Junior nearly always did schoolwork alone, preferring the solitary of his own books and parchment. Yet here he was now, wordlessly striding towards where she stood, all but accepting what had been a slightly sarcastic invitation.

"I didn't think you'd actually come along. Barty Crouch Junior, the great big brainiac, agreeing to collaborate with a classmate for schoolwork, I would've never thought. " Adela said as they walked briskly towards the library together, and could not help but break out grinning when she was met with an eye roll.

"Time just isn't as abundant in fifth year to get work done for twelve O.W.L's . But what would you know about it, you're only in your fourth year." Barty irritably replied with a sigh, running a hand through his perfectly combed dark hair and picking up his pace, as if that proved his point. He was desperately trying to ignore the small smirk that was being sent his way. He knew she had picked up on his implication, and few things irked Barty Crouch Junior more than being proven wrong, no matter the circumstance. To him, they marked mistakes that cracked at his desire to be flawless, obstacles that prevented him from being noticed and cherished.

With every hurried step he took, Adela's smirk faltered slightly, worried she had pushed him a little too far.

"You're still the same, smart, perfect person that I and everyone in this goddamn school hold in extremely high regard."

Barty stopped and turned around, scoffing with a scowl brimming his lips, giving a small huff with what appeared to contain both slight frustration and amusement.

"I wouldn't be asking you to do the homework together if I was perfect, would I? You're a fourth year in a fifth year Potions class, I would think you're far too gifted yourself to continue holding me on such a high pedestal. Let it go."

"I'm afraid to say I'm not familiar with that concept. But do accept the compliment, because I for one, do not enjoy giving them out." Now Adela was smiling as she looked up for Barty's reaction, and this time, she found him smiling back at her. Not the sarcastic half-scowl that usually seemed to be permanently engraved on his face, but a smile. It was small, but very much real.

lina's lines 💌

so basically in this, adela is in her fourth year, barty (and reg) would be in fifth year, but starting in the next chapter, adela will be beginning her fifth year, barty and reg in sixth year, and the marauders in seventh year

and for potions, she's also a year ahead, so she'll be in barty and reg's classes for potions, but a year below them for everything else

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